Hi Martin,
Sorry for my late reply.
I started playing around with the camera - but despite
the fact i read the
deep into pharo chapter, I do not really understand the camera metaphor.
There are two things here: the model behind the camera in Roassal, and the
The implementation has not really been tested. So it may be that the API is not intuitive.
What exactly do *extent*, *realExtent* and *altitude*
stand for - and how
would i manipulate them to fit the entire visualization in the
window/glamour pane?
Can you explain a bit - or is it explained somewhere to a greater extent
than in the deep into pharo chapter?
I played a bit with this, and apparently it does not operate in a way that one would
We will work on it.
Probably this part of Roassal will go under severe refactoring as soon as Athens is part
of Pharo.
Alexandre Bergel