Hello Doru,
As Alex suggested, Pharo scrollbars can be added to Roassal visualizations
(see the script at the end). Similarly, we can change
GLMRoassalRender>>render: to add scrollbars to roassal visualizations in
Here is a proposition:
render: aRoassalPresentation
| view scrollPane|
view := aRoassalPresentation view.
aRoassalPresentation renderOn: view.
aRoassalPresentation on: GLMPresentationUpdated send:
#actOnPresentationUpdate: to: self.
myMorph := ROMorph on: view stack.
myMorph extent: (view raw encompassingRectangle extent + (40 @ 40)).
scrollPane := ScrollPane new.
scrollPane scroller addMorph: (myMorph).
^ scrollPane
Indeed, that means that roassal visualizations are strongly-tied to
Morphic. Do you want me to push my changes to Glamour so that we have
morphic-based scrollbars unless there is a practical roassal-based
Alex's script:
=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=
| view roView roMorph pane window stack rawView nodes |
window := StandardWindow labelled: 'windowLabel'.
window model: self.
window extent: 340 @ 480.
stack := ROViewStack new.
rawView := ROView new.
stack addView: rawView.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder initializedView: rawView.
view stack: stack.
view shape rectangle width: [ :c | c numberOfVariables * 5 ];
height: #numberOfMethods.
nodes := view nodes: Collection withAllSubclasses.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout.
view applyLayout.
roMorph := ROMorph on: stack.
pane := ScrollPane new.
roMorph extent: ( view raw encompassingRectangle extent + (40 @
40)) .
pane scroller addMorph: (roMorph).
addMorph: pane
frame: (0@0 corner: 1@1).
window openInWorld.
=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=