Status: New
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Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1123 by v.blonde...(a) Smalltalk importer wizard in Moose
panel should be dimensioned to the screen size
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
The panel is too height for small screan and we can't click on Finish...
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
Open the moose panel, click on ST, choose some packages and try to click on
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
Screen 15"
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-MoosePanel
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Status: New
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 1122 by Grapher - Exception for zero values
Exceptions should be managed in Grapher with all points are zero
To reproduce the problem in Moose 5.1:
grapher := RTGrapher new
extent: 300 @ 200;
title: 'testing zero values';
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds dotShape ellipse color: (Color red alpha: 0.5); size: 10.
ds points: {0->0. 0->0};
connectColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5);
y: #value;
x: #key;
highlightIf: [:each | true] using: #value.
grapher add: ds.
grapher axisY decimal: 0; title: 'asdasd'.
grapher axisX
labelRotation: -30;
title: '';
numberOfLabels: 2.
grapher build.
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Hi everybody,
does anyone know if there is an Ecore importer in Pharo? The idea is to import an ecore file (so an XMI) and to create Pharo classes in a given package directly.
At least, there could be an Ecore importer that create immediately a MooseModel ?
Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU
Hi Andrei.
I would like to update the stable version of ConfigurationOfGlamourCore for
Pharo 4.0 to include the fix for overlapping status bars and to load:
instead of:
Is it ok with you?
I was working with the Moose6.0 #105. I closed the image and, at startup, I got a Fatal VM error... It seems that is a problem with font management through external calls (libfreetype-6.dll)...
I don't know how to resolve this issue. The stack trace is attached.
Ps: I am under W7...
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When adding status bar to Glamour browsers in Pharo 4.0, the contained
presentations overlap the top elements of container. Here's a little script
to reproduce this problem (see attached screenshot).
Status bar does not seem to have changed, surely the layout frames of the
container browser or the presentations are not handled correctly. I tried
to dig the problem but could not get to its cause.
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #one.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a text
display: 'something wrong with my browsers layout';
title: 'Tab'.
a text
display: 'something wrong with my browsers layout';
title: 'Tab' ].
browser openOn: 1
[image: Inline image 3]
Several times I found myself thinking that it's a PITA that the -> and text
field only appear when you vertically scroll to the end of the
currently-shown items. Sometimes you know right away that e.g. you have to
page about 5 times, and currently you have to keep alternating
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is it possible to add such a parser that would consume input, but wouldn't
return anything?
Right now I do things like...
^ ($[ asParser, anotherRule, $] asParser) ==> [ :nodes | nodes second ]
Of course when the rules are more complex, so is the block; however it
seems that this is how it's done in the example parsers...
So, would it be possible to add some kind of Null/Void/Ignore/Throwaway
parser, that would consume the input, but would be omitted from the result?
so the above method could be written as
^ $[ asNullPaser, anotherRule, $] asNullParser
^ $[ asParser ignore, anotherRule, $[ asParser ignore
or something else.
When editing in place, there is apparently no way to scroll to the right, and
the "String" presentation seems to allow editing, but the accepted text does
not appear to be saved.
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Hello Pharoers,
We propose a Pharo sprint / Moose dojo this Friday, 10th July, starting
at 10:00am. (Local Time Lille).
It will be at the Inria Lille, Building B, third floor (RMoD offices).
Remotely, you can join us on the official IRC channel #pharo on server. During the sprint, we will try to synchronize
local and remote Pharo sprinters.
As the building is not open to the public, please contact us before if
you plan to come.