Hi Alex,
I forgot to ask at ESUG... but what are the plans for moving towards
Roassal3 and Bloc?
Because currently I am very hesitant in engaging with Telescope which may
or may not solve some of my problems... but the code is really, really hard
to read for me.
So from this perspective it might be more fruitful for me to spend energy
on Bloc, provided there will be some more gradual movement from 2 to 3.
I find the name “Do it all and go” pretty long. Although it describes exactly what it does, it is still a long name that does not fit well in textual descriptions.
Maybe it can be named “Run button: do it all and go” ?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
The moose builds are failing after fixing this issues:
Now in ConfigurationOfMagritte3 there is no entry for pharo5.x
for Magritte-Pharo-Model, which is loaded by ConfigurationOFGlamour.
Any ideas how to fix this?
I have worked on a new class RTData, intended to replace RTDataSet and RTStackedDataSet. The discussion with Doru made me realize that having two classes does not make sense at all.
You can now do:
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTData new.
ds points: #(3 2 5 1 3).
b add: ds.
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTData new.
ds points: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
ds y: #numberOfMethods.
ds x: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
b add: ds.
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTData new.
ds points: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
ds y: #numberOfMethods.
b add: ds.
I have marked RTDataSet and RTStackedDataSet as obsolete.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
thanks to help from the GT guys Andrei and Alexei here at ESUG15 I am now happy to announce that Spec can now play together nicely with GT presentations :-)
Concretely: I have implemented a new Spec ComposableModel called GlamourPresentationModel that acts as a small wrapper around any presentation of Glamour (i.e. any subclass of GLMPresentation). With this, you can use as a widget in your Spec UI such cool things like
- The GT Inspector
- The Playground
- The Browser
GlamourPresentationModel is a very small class that is easy to use, with just one API method for its configuration. By default it opens a Playground, but you can configure it to open any GLMPresentation subclass. Here are 2 examples:
"open a playground"
GlamourPresentationModel new openWithSpec.
"open an inspector on 42"
ui := GlamourPresentationModel new.
ui presentationClass: GTInspector startOn: 42.
ui openWithSpec
The GlamourPresentationModel is currently in my Playground repository on Smalltalkhub. ( http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~jfabry/Playground/packages/Spec-Glamour ) There is also an example UI called GlamourPMExample that shows how to use it.
I tried it with Pharo 4 but not yet with Pharo 5. I will push on its integration in Pharo 5 in a few months. Please use it and tell me how it works out for you!
---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
After the discussion with Doru, we have made the following improvement:
- smaller labels in Grapher
- labels are now gray and not black
- scrollbar are thinner
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm thinking of attending Camp Smalltalk 2015 in Portland, OR this August.
Any Roassal / Moose hackers also attending? I haven't programmed in
Squeak/Smalltalk in quite a few years, I was hoping to learn to use Roassal
during the camp.
Today Usman and I have pair-programmed. We improved the legend builder.
Here is an example
Check this out:
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape rectangle
width: [ :c | c numberOfVariables * 5 ];
height: #numberOfMethods.
b nodes: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b edges connectFrom: #superclass.
b layout tree.
b normalizer
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode using: { Color black. Color red }.
b build.
lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addText: 'System complexity view'.
lb addRectanglePolymetricWidth: 'number of methods' height: 'Line of code' box: 'a Pharo class'.
lb addColorFadingFrom: Color red to: Color black text: 'Number of lines of code'.
lb build.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Dear Friends and Colleagues
Yesterday we had a wonderful Roassal Camp Smalltalk.
Thanks to all the participants.
We had crazy programming sessions and nice chats. Below you will find a short description of what we have done. The description contains code snippets. Feel free to try. Some of them are impressive.
The Roassal Team
- Move code from DynaCase to Roassal. Thanks Peter U. and his team! TRConstraint has been significantly improved! Check the class TRConstraint
- New attach points have been added. Again, thanks to Peter U. and his team! Look at the classes RTRectangleAttachPoint and its friends
v := RTView new.
e1 := (RTBox new size: 50) elementOn: 1.
e2 := (RTEllipse new size: 50) elementOn: 2.
v add: e1; add: e2.
e2 translateBy: 30 @ 60.
e1 @ RTDraggable.
e2 @ RTDraggable.
s := RTArrowedLine new color: Color black.
s attachPoint: RTRectangleAttachPoint new.
l := s edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
v add: l.
- New interaction called RTDraggableSnapToGrid. Again, another great contribution of Peter's team. This interaction is supported by RTInteractionBuilder. Here is an example:
b := RTMondrian new.
b interaction snapToGrid.
b shape rectangle size: 20.
b nodes: (1 to: 9).
b layout grid.
- Rounded rectangle shape. Here is an example:
v := RTView new.
e1 :=((RTRoundedBox new borderRadius: 10; size: 50) + RTLabel ) elementOn: 1.
e2 := (RTEllipse new size: 50) elementOn: 2.
v add: e1; add: e2.
e2 translateBy: 80 @ 60.
e1 @ RTDraggable.
e2 @ RTDraggable.
s := RTArrowedLine new color: Color black.
s attachPoint: RTRectangleAttachPoint new.
l := s edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
v add: l.
- A whole bunch of line decorations! Thanks Peter's team again!!!!!
| v b1 b2 edges |
b1 := (RTBox new
size: 100;
translateTo: 0 @ 0;
@ RTDraggable.
b2 := (RTBox new
size: 100;
translateTo: 400 @ 0;
@ RTDraggable.
edges := OrderedCollection new.
edges add: ((RTArrowedLine new head: RTFilledDiamond asHead; color: Color black; width: 2; attachPoint: (RTRectangleAttachPoint new offset: 15)) edgeFrom: b1 to: b2).
edges add: ((RTDecoratedLine new color: Color blue; width: 2; attachPoint: (RTRectangleAttachPoint new offset: 15)) edgeFrom: b1 to: b2).
edges add: ((RTDecoratedLine new filledDiamondHead; color: Color green; width: 2; attachPoint: (RTRectangleAttachPoint new offset: 15)) edgeFrom: b1 to: b2).
edges add: ((RTDecoratedLine new filledDiamondHead; emptyCircleTail; color: Color red; width: 2; attachPoint: (RTRectangleAttachPoint new offset: 15)) edgeFrom: b1 to: b2).
v := RTView new
add: b1;
add: b2;
addAll: edges.
edges do: [ :each | each update ].
^ v
- discussing with Thomas and Niall, we discuss about: Popups, overrides methods, a better structurre for roassal2-visualworks. a new application for visualworks with all roassal examples.
- Integration to SciSmalltalk
- Styled multiline:
v := RTView new.
es := (RTEllipse new size: 20; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3)) elementsOn: (1 to: 10).
RTCircleLayout new on: es allButFirst.
v addAll: es.
es @ RTDraggable.
TRConstraint move: es first onTheCenterOf: es allButFirst.
shape := RTStyledMultiLine new.
shape filledArrowHead; arrowTail; dashdotLine; orthoVertical.
shape attachPoint: (RTRectangleAttachPoint new).
lines := shape edgesFrom: es first toAll: es allButFirst.
v addAll: lines.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu