I have two versions of a code source (v1 and v2) in Java and I know which files changed between the 2 versions.
I would like to model these 2 versions in FAMIX.
Currently, I parse both source code, create 2 MSEs, import them in Moose and I have my two models (converted to Orion models to take less memory).
But, I need to parse twice the complete source code. However, parsing once the V1 and only the change files of V2 is enough and faster.
Does something exist to load into Moose, a MSE of the complete V1 application and another MSE of the delta, in a way that V1 complete the missing parts of the delta?
Maybe Orion gives this possibility ?
Thanks in advance,
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Did anybody else having any issue running MOOSE 6.0 on Mac OS Sierra? I just
tried MOOSE 5.1 and 6.0 both it just shows me black screen.
Screen shot of the view I get when I run the image file.
I also tried running Pharo 5.0 and got the same black screen but after
randomly clicking around it showed me error and screen was displayed again.
Ran into some other problems when tried downloading MOOSE in Pharo 5.0 with
following code,
Metacello new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Moose';
configuration: 'Moose';
version: #stable;
View this message in context: http://moose-dev.97923.n3.nabble.com/MOOSE-6-0-not-working-in-Mac-OS-Sierra…
Sent from the moose-dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi guys,
Do you have good reference links to publications (yours or from other
people) which uses Moose metrics for example in a "Material and Methods"
I mean *not* Moose projects publications (projects derived from Moose), but
those projects which uses Moose analysis to report Cyclomatic Complexity,
Halstead Length, WMC, DIT, CBO, etc . I want to see what and how people
reports metrics for a software project using Moose. If publication is in a
Journal outside of the field of Software Engineering field that would be
Pillar now ships with a text editor that also features a syntax highlighter.
So, now, if you load the development version of Pillar:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Pier' project: 'Pillar';
You will have an extra presentation when inspecting a .pillar file:
The new thing here is that the highlighter is based on the Pillar PetitParser, and it is extensible for highlighting more parts if needed. The highlighting also can support actions. For example, the picture above shows the file to the right after clicking on the reference.
Please take a look and let me know what you think.
"Things happen when they happen,
not when you talk about them happening."