Hi all,
I am using Grapher in the GT inspector and it is very cool that when I click on a bar it shows the datapoint of that bar in the next pane. So thanks a lot for that :-)
However I would like to customise this a bit. My datapoints are actually associations, and I would like to show the value in the next pane (and not the complete association). It’s not clear to me how to customise this, can anybody give me pointers?
Thanks in advance!
Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .
Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
I was wondering if there is some documentation available for the package Moose-Algos-InformationRetrieval or if someone ever used it?
I don’t understand how the MalLogLikelihoodRatio is working (it’s a kind of similarity metric between two sets of terms).
What I have right know is a corpus of documents with their contents and I’d like to compare a request to my corpus.
(it requires that you have executed some scripts in a playground before)
data := FileSystem workingDirectory allFiles select:[:e| e extension = 'ph'] thenCollect:#contents.
corpus := MalCorpus new.
'Initiating corpus...' displayProgressFrom: 1 to: data size during: [ :bar|
data do:[:e|
corpus addDocument: e with: (MalTerms fromString: e contents).
bar increment.
corpus removeStopwords .
stringRequest := 'toto tata'.
request := MalTerms fromString: stringRequest.
likelihood := MalLogLikelihoodRatio new.
likelihood setTerms1: request.
requestAnswer := Dictionary keys: data values: (data collect:[:e|
likelihood setTerms2: (corpus atDocument: e); computeAll
I don’t get what are the values that I have in the variable requestAnswer.
Any hints?
Thanks guys (and girls)
Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
22 Avenue du General Leclerc 92340 BOURG-LA-REINE
Hi All,
I was looking for a way to get a title on a graph made with RTGrapher. I have so many open that sometimes I forget which ones is which. A title would help but I cannot find a straightforward way to add one. Is this possible?
Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .
Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
Connected groups can be highlighted. I have enhanced the RTMetricNormalizer for this. This feature has been on my todo list for too long :-)
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box size: 10.
b nodes: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b shape arrowedLine withOffset.
b edges
moveBehind; connectToAll: #dependentClasses.
b layout force charge: -300.
b normalizer distinctColorForGroup. “ <==== That is the new thing "
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Here is another big todo. Layouts need to be composable.
I often experience the need to have compact visualizations.
I added a new layout RTPartitionLayout.
Here is an example:
classes := (RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'Roassal2') definedClasses.
classes := classes copyWithout: RTObject.
b := RTMondrian new.
b nodes: classes.
b edges connectFrom: #superclass.
b normalizer
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode;
normalizeSize: #numberOfMethods.
b layout partition
withinGroup: RTTreeLayout;
forNotConnected: RTGridLayout;
forGroups: RTFlowLayout.
Isn’t that cool?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I am currently using FamixDiff to compute changes between two Java models. But, the FAMIXAnnotationInstance are not computed in the diff and I would like to add them.
As FAMIXAnnotationInstance is a link between a FAMIXNamedEntity and a FAMIXAnnotationType, it seems that its role is to associate both concepts. Moreover, like the other associations, FAMIXAnnotationInstance entities can only be added or removed but not renamed or moved.
Do you agree that FAMIXAnnotationInstance can be a subclass of Association?
That way, it belongs to the outgoings associations of the method and incomings associations of the annotation type and simplify the computing for the diff.
If no one is against, I will commit the changes tomorrow.
Thanks in advance,
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many thanks for confirming i can post this query here. I was talking about
something like the xref screen shot at
I used this for C/C++ projects long back.. Not sure if pasting that png is
a good idea.
The current project I work on has a big code base. When i say 'understand
code flow' I would like to write a query that will return the chain of all
methods invoking a particular method as well the methods this will invoke.
Simple scenario: Suppose there exists a set of classes having particular
methods as show below:
AC::AMethod -> BC::BMethod -> CC::CMethod -> DC::DMethod -> EC::EMethod
To serve a client call for a particular scenario, the entry point from
client code is Amethod in Class AC.
This in turn invokes BMethod of BC,
which invokes CMethod of class CC,
which invokes DMethod in DC
then finally invoked EMethod of class EC and returns to the client code.
The query/queries when given method name CC::CMethod should return
AC::AMethod -> BC::BMethod
DC::DMethod -> EC::Emethod
In an actual code base, chances are that there are multiple code flow paths
invoking CC::CMethod and multiple methods invoked by CC::CMethod. All these
paths that represent different scenarios should be reported. This should
help delete all possible dynamic interactions at method level. Currently (I
think) I know how to do this at a class level using moose model.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 4:30 PM, <moose-dev-request(a)list.inf.unibe.ch> wrote:
> Send Moose-dev mailing list submissions to
> moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> moose-dev-request(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
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> moose-dev-owner(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Moose-dev digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. newbie question on moose model (Bharat Shetty)
> 2. Re: newbie question on moose model (Tudor Girba)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 20:16:02 +0530
> From: Bharat Shetty <bshetty(a)gmail.com>
> To: moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> Subject: [Moose-dev] newbie question on moose model
> Message-ID:
> <CA+6VBw5vSFVfKyJAaoQibsQYOHF+XAsuT_d+BRN-_Tcgn3XfrQ@mail.
> gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> This is more like a user question. But do not know of moose-users mailing
> list. Apologies if there is one.
> I recently started exploring moose model, tried out the example at the
> moosebook site using ArgoUML and some of my own java projects(imported
> using jdt2famix. And am fairly comfortable with the features described in
> the moose book.
> Question:
> Can i use the same to understand code flow ? I see there are methods to get
> a FAMIXMethod's invoked by and invokes methods. But there are no concrete
> example for analysing code flows. Has anyone tried this? or is it possible
> at all.
> Regards,
> Bharat
This is more like a user question. But do not know of moose-users mailing
list. Apologies if there is one.
I recently started exploring moose model, tried out the example at the
moosebook site using ArgoUML and some of my own java projects(imported
using jdt2famix. And am fairly comfortable with the features described in
the moose book.
Can i use the same to understand code flow ? I see there are methods to get
a FAMIXMethod's invoked by and invokes methods. But there are no concrete
example for analysing code flows. Has anyone tried this? or is it possible
at all.
Why is Fame (and Famix) statically typed?
It always seemed strange to me in the Smalltalk context.
Do we really use/need this property?
(Because sometimes, it really sucks)
Nicolas Anquetil -- MCF (HDR)
Project-Team RMod
I am happy to release the Animation package at last! http://catalog.pharo.org/catalog/project/Animation
This is a general animation system, which can turn any setter message into a smooth transition (provided it has a corresponding getter, and the target value supports + and *Float).
morph position: (100@100 during: 2 seconds easing: #backOut).
morph color: (Color red during: 2 seconds).
morph title: ('tutututu' during: 2 seconds).
I am curious to see if/how it could be used with Roassal/Moose. Please send any (good or bad) feedback you may have while testing it!
ps: Thanks to anonymous contributor for the second syntax, it was a lot of fun - and evil laughs :)