I updated the Pillar support in GTInspector. Some of the extensions already exist in the default Pillar #development version. If you want to play with the full support, you can load it like this:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'PetitParser';
package: 'PetitAnalyzer';
package: 'PetitIndent';
package: 'PetitIslands';
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
package: 'GT-InspectorExtensions-Pillar';
Then you can just inspect a book folder and you get this:
I did not integrate this in the main Pillar yet because this is an older implementation based on a limited island parser. As now Pillar has a full parser based on PetitParser, the next step is to move the highlighting logic to use this parser instead of the island parser. From my measurements, the speed of the two parsers is about the same, so from a user perspective there will be not much changes.
It pains me that we are editing Pillar in outside tools, and now we should no longer have to do that. Of course, this is not the most ideal tool support for Pillar but I think it is a reasonable start.
"Problem solving should be focused on describing
the problem in a way that makes the solution obvious."
During debugging the Athens-Crash I found something strange about TRCanvas
(not responsible for the crash)
1. TRCanvas canvas instance variable is not a AthensCairoCanvas at all but
an AthensCairoSurface
2. the canvas resp. surface is initialized with TRCanvas initial extent but
a change on TRCanvas extent does not change the surfaces extent
3. Is this canvas resp. surface actually used ? Do we only need it to
manage some external resources (path/ image forms) ?
Can it be removed or at least renamed to something different.
Here's another anomaly I found in my reasoning about Java interfaces through
MSE files. In the example with ArgoUML 0.28.1 there's a class called
ConfigurationFactory.java that declares a local variable in a static block:
static {
IConfigurationFactory newFactory = null;
Within MOOSE, the FAMIXLocalVariable "newFactory" shows up in the
structuresWithDeclaredTypes for the FAMIXClass "IConfigurationFactory".
However, its parentBehaviouralEntity is nil.
Is this because static blocks in Java don't map to behavioural entities in
FAMIX? I'm trying to understand the nil case, as it doesn't happen with all
The problem is obviously that I can't find the dependency on the interface
in this case.
In the stated example, there's also a private static final Attribute, so the
MOOSE dependency comes through that in the end (it's a redundant
dependency). But I'm guessing there could be some cases where a dependency
via local variable used in a static block might not always be stored in an
Any ideas on how to work around this?
Possibly related: https://github.com/moosetechnology/moose/issues/785
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/parentBehaviouralEntity-is-nil-for-Java-local-variabl…
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
[Apologies to the moderator(s) for trying to post this via email with the
wrong address. ]
I have Moose 6.0 and I've used jdt2famix 1.0.2 to generate an MSE file. I'm
trying to use Moose to reason about clients of Java interfaces. I would like
to find any classes that depend on an interface by any means. I thought
using clientTypes was the right thing, except it doesn't work the way I
expect in a simple case.
For the interface in my example, clientTypes only returns the class that is
an implementation of the interface (which makes sense, as they depend on it)
but not the client class that uses it via a private static reference (which,
to me, doesn't make sense).
For more information, I am able find the client of the interface via
structuresWithDeclaredType, so I'm pretty sure it's not information missing
in the MSE file (not a jdt2famix bug).
Based on the simple example below, shouldn't clientTypes for ITest return
ClassAClient and ConcreteImplementationA rather than just
// ITest.java
public interface ITest {
// ConcreteImplementationA.java
public class ConcreteImplementationA implements ITest {
// ClassAClient.java
public class ClassAClient {
private static ITest theTest;
public static void main(String arg[]) {
theTest = new ConcreteImplementationA();
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Java-interfaces-and-clientTypes-tp4915115.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'd like my visualizations showing inheritance to be UML-like. That is, I'd
like arrow heads to be empty. I found some classes (RTEmptyArrowHead, etc.)
and thought they might be the answer. However, I can't get it to work in the
following code. Do those classes work?
I'm using Moose suite 6.0 on Windows 10.
| b line |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle size: 3.
b nodes: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
"b shape arrowedLine withShorterDistanceAttachPoint."
line := RTEmptyArrow new.
b shape line withShorterDistanceAttachPoint.
b edgesFrom: #superclass.
b layout forceWithCharge: -500.
b build.
^ b view
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Changing-arrow-head-types-in-RTMondrian-tp4915133.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have Moose 6.0 and I've used jdt2famix 1.0.2 to generate an MSE file. I'm
trying to use Moose to reason about clients of Java interfaces. I would
like to find any classes that depend on an interface by any means. I
thought using clientTypes was the right thing, except it doesn't work the
way I expect in a simple case.
For the interface in my example, clientTypes only returns the class that is
an implementation of the interface (which makes sense, as they depend on
it) but not the client class that uses it via a private static reference
(which, to me, doesn't make sense).
For more information, I am able find the client of the interface via
structuresWithDeclaredType, so I'm pretty sure it's not information missing
in the MSE file (not a jdt2famix bug).
Based on the simple example below, shouldn't clientTypes for ITest return
ClassAClient and ConcreteImplementationA rather than
just ConcreteImplementationA?
// ITest.java
public interface ITest {
// ConcreteImplementationA.java
public class ConcreteImplementationA implements ITest {
// ClassAClient.java
public class ClassAClient {
private static ITest theTest;
public static void main(String arg[]) {
theTest = new ConcreteImplementationA();
I'm trying to visualize hierarchies that include Java interfaces, but I'm
very new to Moose/Pharao/Mondrian. I'm using the sample MSE data for ArgoUML
described in the book at http://themoosebook.org/download/ArgoUML-0-28-1.zip
I'm confused because when I browse in the Moose Panel to "All famixclasses"
and then a class, e.g., org::argouml::uml::ui::DefaultPredicate that
implements an interface, e.g., org::argouml::application::api::Predicate, I
can see it has an "All superclasses" list. However, when I inspect the
FAMIXClass, I can only see "superclass" as an available variable.
The sample code below works, but only shows one "superclass" link (and thus
none of the interfaces, which are Green appear to be linked). I'd like to
have it show links to all superclasses (including the interfaces) as well.
In short, how does one map these "All x" things seen in the Moose Panel
browser to the variables/methods in the FAMIXClass? My apologies if this is
really obvious and I missed it somehow.
Here's the sample code adapted from the RTMondrianExample class in Moose
Suite 6.0 under Windows. I restrict the classes to only those truly in
| b |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle
size: 30;
color: [ :cls | cls isInterface ifTrue: Color green ifFalse: Color
b nodes: (MooseModel root allModels first allClasses select:
[ :each | (each container name beginsWith:'org::argouml')]).
b shape arrowedLine color: Color black; withShorterDistanceAttachPoint.
b edges connectTo: #superclass.
b layout force charge: -500; nbIterations: 50.
b build.
^ b view
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/FAMIXClass-and-All-superclasses-tp4915017.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am using Roassal2-AlexandreBergel.1335 in Pharo 5.
Most, if not all, Grapher example visualizations starts at point 0 in the X
axis. My points are chromosome positions starting at 7,000,000. Is there a
way to configure the X axis to start from that position or a custom value?
(X label always start at 0 but points does not get rendered until 7M).
If you take the following as example, I would like to start the X axis at 1
approx removing the empty range between 0 and 1.
| b values ds |
b := RTGrapher new.
values := #(5 6 7 -1 -3).
b extent: 400 @ 300.
ds := RTData new.
ds interaction popup.
ds points: values.
ds connectColor: Color red.
ds y: #yourself.
b add: ds.
b build.
^ b view
I've ported some projects from Moose 5 to Moose 6. The UI seems extremely
sluggish and my image freezes pretty regularly. I can't remember
experiencing anything like this in previous Pharo/Moose. My image is up
around 500MB, and I have a few collections with a 100K-700K objects. Could
that be the cause? Is anyone else experiencing similar instability? I'm not
sure if it's my use case, Pharo, Spur, Moose, etc. So much has
changed/improved recently!
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Moose-6-Unstable-or-Just-Me-tp4914675.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.