Hi all,
I am please to present you Telescope.
Telescope provides a system to express highly interactive software
visualizations and a rich API to express interactive, dynamic, and
customized visualizations built on top of Roassal.
You can find more information and tutorials here.
Telescope is almost finish (missing some tests, little features...) and now
it needs your feedback.
To install Telescope
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'LeoPerard' project: 'Telescope';
package: 'ConfigurationOfTelescope';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfTelescope) load
A small example to get a tree explorer
| visualization |
visualization := TLTreeExplorer new
root: Collection;
property: #subclasses;
visualization nodeBuilder shapeBuilder: TLEllipseShapeBuilder new.
visualization nodeBuilder nodeLabel: #name position: #inside.
visualization nodeBuilder addInteraction: TLNodeBasicInteraction popup.
visualization nodeBuilder addInteraction: TLNodeBasicInteraction draggable.
visualization open
In this visualization, click on the blue circle to expand the node and the
red to collapse it.
In the class TLDemos you can find others examples to understand how it
Leo Perard
University of Lille 1
Yesterday, I was using GraphET (a part of Roassal) to do some charts and, today, when I wanted to reopen the image.
And I got that :
It is *very* unpleasant...
To reproduce the bug:
1 - You can do either:
| builder |
builder := GET2Line data: (0 to: 100) .
y: [ :x | x*x ].
builder open.
WorldMenu -> Roassal examples -> choose an item -> click on a graph . A TRMorph should be opened.
2 - don't close the graph and save the pharo image.
3 - Close the pharo image
4 - Reopen it
I am under W7 x64 with the latest moose image and the VM available on the pharo.org website (http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo3.0-win.zip) from the 10 july.
You will find the crash dump attached.
Thankfully, I managed to open the image with a latest VM (http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/VM.r3056/cogwin-14.29.3056.zip).
Thanks a lot Eliot ! :)
And I got this:
Thanks in advance
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The World menu contains the entry Workspace. Clicking on it open a playground.
Maybe we could unify this and pick just one name?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Peter!
I’ve just added the orthogonal vertical and horizontal lines in Roassal2. Here are some screenshots.
These last script has been made with:
| v |
v := RTView new.
v addAll: ((RTEllipse new size: 20; color: (Color red alpha: 0.3)) elementsOn: (1 to: 20)).
shape := RTMultiLine new.
shape orthoVertical.
shape color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
buildEdgesFromObjects: (1 to: 20) from: [ :n | n // 3 ] to: #yourself using: shape inView: v.
v elements @ RTDraggable @ RTPopup.
RTTreeLayout on: v elements.
v open
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
On Jul 26, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any support for orthogonal lines in Roassal2? I've seen something similar (ROOrthoVerticalLineShape), however nothing of that sort in Roassal2. I would imagine it to behave similarly to RTBezierLine - having controllingElements to specify the corners. (While ROOrtholines did it automatically I was looking for something more manual, so it can go in both directions - thus the controllingElements).
> Second thing I wasn't able to figure out is whether it is possible to create line from element to itself. All *AttachPoint classes aren't really able to cope with that. The best result I got was from Vertical/Horizontal AttachPoints (combined with BezierLine), however I would like to be able to specify which side it would start on and end on. Ideally not just middle of sides, but arbitrary part of the shape (I imagine that might be hard for non-rectangular shapes).
> Thanks,
> Peter
A while ago, Stef reported that he could not select text anymore in the new
Rubric-based interfaces (inspector, playground).
I noticed this as well but only occasionally. Here is what I found.
TextMorph uses a kind of a simulation to support smart selection. As a
result, you basically can do:
- click once at the beginning of a parenthesis
- wait a couple of seconds
- click again
==> and the text is selected
Instead of this mechanism, Rubric relies on real double click events. So,
in order to select something you have to click-click quickly.
Now, the issue is that every once in a while, somehow the image seems to
stop receiving double clicks. I experienced this both on Windows and on
Mac. As a consequence, it appears that you cannot select anymore with
double click. To double check that this happens, you can try double
clicking on the window title and you will see that it does not maximize
If you close the image and open it again, the problem gets fixed. This
makes it difficult to reproduce and debug.
"Every thing has its own flow"