Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 757 by Smalltalk completion appears at
absolute coordinates, instead of relative ones in Finder
Try this:
GLMFinder new
show: [:a |
a smalltalkCode ];
openOn: ''.
and then type "1 as".
You will see that the completion appears in the top right of the world,
instead of the top right of the text pane. This only happens in the finder,
and it is likely due to some problems of transforming coordinates.
Good, now I can try it. How do you deal with copy books?
I really like that you remembered that Cobol should be
compilable in less than 16K of ram. Multiple stages really
help understandability here.
Hello Moose developers,
Trying this list, because it looks like info(a)<> is not so actively read ;-)
This was my question:
The EyeSee project caught our interest, and we are investigating if we can use it in our product.
But first some license questions need an answer.
As far as I can see, it is MIT licensed so that would mean that we can load the EyeSee code into our product and deploy/sell that product commercially, but that we have to keep the copyright statement.
Is this correct?
And if we need to add the copyright for this specific package (EyeSee), what and where should it be presented in our software?
All answers or pointers to the correct people are welcome.
Peter Goessaert
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
't Hofveld 6E 3
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium
This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately.
From: Peter Goessaert
Sent: vrijdag 27 juni 2014 11:38
To: 'info(a)'
Subject: EyeSee license
The EyeSee project caught our interest, and we are investigating if we can use it in our product.
But first some license questions need an answer.
As far as I can see, it is MIT licensed so that would mean that we can load the EyeSee code into our product and deploy/sell that product commercially, but that we have to keep the copyright statement.
Is this correct?
And if we need to add the copyright for this specific package (EyeSee), what and where should it be presented in our software?
The GTInspector now offers dedicated presentations for managing keybindings
defined with the KeyMapping framework.
For example, the attached screenshot shows how you can go through the
submorphs and preview the associated keybindings.
[image: Inline image 2]
Here is a more detailed description of what is available:…
Let us know what you think.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hello. It gives me great pleasure to announce my COBOL parser. This is a
fixed format COBOL parser. I expect that it could be expanded to work with
free format COBOL, but I have not need for that use.
Code is located at:!/~cbc/PetitCobol
To invoke the parser, evalutate:
CobolProg parseCobolCodingForm: <fileName>
This 'parser' contains 4 parsers plus a fair amount of additional logic to
prep the files for for the prarsers (and output from previous parsers for
later parsers). The rough outline of what happens:
1) File is read line by line. Each line is parsed as a formatted card.
2) Take these cards, and format them into sentences.
3) Parse the coding structure. (Parse it out into the various divisions,
and parse out the level 01 data).
4) Aggregate the structure into a segments.
5) Finally, parse the actual code, division by division.
The parser includes a full AST representation, along with a visitor to
subclass to help handling the resulting AST.
The parser is not complete - it should parse any fixed format COBOL program
file, but not all commands are implemented. I have implemented a way to
iteratively develop the parser. It will continue to parse each sentence
up to a point where it cannot continue - at that point, it will parse into
a CDJunk (for data division unknowns) and CobolStatement (for program
division unknowns). This later will point out any missing commands (which
exist), or possibly incomplete commands (which may exist); a simple visitor
over the AST trapping for those nodes should find them.
The result of the parse will leave you with a CobolProg containing the
final parsed AST in the variable formattedStructure. Comments in the code
will be in the variable comments (along with the line number that they
originated from). In addition, most of the interim steps will also be
present in the CobolProg instance, should you be interested in them. If
not, you can send #cleanup to the instance to get rid of all but the final
AST nodes.
Here is a new example:
v := RTView new.
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new.
shape add: RTLabel new.
shape add: RTBox new.
es := shape elementsOn: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
RTNest new
for: es
inShape: #second
add: [ :group :model |
group addAll: ((RTBox new color: Color blue) elementsOn: model methods).
RTGridLayout on: group.
RTFlowLayout new on: es.
es @ RTPopup @ RTDraggable.
v open
The last release of Roassal2 should address the comments of Leo and Doru I think…
Alexandre Bergel
When I inspect a collection or an object, the size of any string displayed is fixed at 50. Depending of the object you want to inspect, it is not enough when the strings are large...
I would like to know if it is possible to have an interactive string contraction/expension in the inspector?
I began to search but I didn't found how to dynamically access the width of the column.
For example, the attributes value can be expensed because there is enough space on its right.
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