We fixed some bugs in the way path were rendered. Path can now be scaled and answer properly to events.
You can register callbacks or other kind of interaction you wish.
Here is a screenshot:
This code is available from: RTRoassalExample>>exampleSVGPath
Icons have been obtained from http://iconmonstr.com
Thanks Juraj of the improvement you’ve made to TRSVGPath !
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
There is a behavior that does not match my way of printing expressions.
1 - open a playground
2 - enter: 10
3 - print it (cmd-p)
4 - remove what has been printed by pressing backspace
5 - the value 10 is selected, which is a problem to me. Would it make sense to have the 10 unselected at that point? I do not see what could the reason to have it selected.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We spotted a bug related to edge driven layouts and groups. So, when a view
has groups in it, performing an edge driven layout gives MNU: RTGroup>>view.
The bug can be reproduced with the following script in latest Roassal.
view := RTView new.
group1 := RTGroup new add: (RTBox new elementOn: 1); yourself.
group2 := RTGroup new add: (RTEllipse new elementOn: 2); yourself.
view addAll: group1; addAll: group2.
RTForceBasedLayout on: (RTGroup with: group1 with: group2).
view open
The link to get the version with changes (because problem posting more than
1 mb on this list):
All tests are green after the change.
Alex, can you integrate this in Roassal because it is important for our
Usman & Leo
We try to keep track of users of Roassal.
It would be great to have your logo on http://objectprofile.com/Users.html
So, if you are a Roassal (or Hapao, Roassal3d, Spy) user, let us know please!
It helps building a strong community.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Leo, double clicks have been added to Roassal :-)
| v es |
v := RTView new.
es := (RTBox new color: Color purple; size: 25) elementsOn: (1 to: 100).
es when: TRMouseDoubleClick do: [ :e | e element trachelShape color: Color red. v signalUpdate ].
v addAll: es.
RTGridLayout on: v elements.
v open.
This is a contribution from Juan-Pablo Sandoval
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Name: Famix-SourceAnchor-usmanbhatti.44
Author: usmanbhatti
Time: 8 August 2014, 3:43:01.966938 pm
UUID: 2e5e4d96-f927-4a96-9b6e-e8f0e1507eae
Ancestors: Famix-SourceAnchor-VincentBlondeau.43
adding FAMIXMultiFileAnchor, a source anchor for entities defined in
multiple files. It has a collection of FAMIXFileAnchor objects which point
to the individual definition files. It makes sure not to duplicate
FAMIXFileAnchor with similar names/paths to optimize memory. SourceText
returns the string of all FileAnchor contents with a separator line
between them.
To create, Use FAMIXSourcedEntity>>defineMultiSourceAnchorWithPath:. See
Name: Famix-Tests-Core-usmanbhatti.46
Author: usmanbhatti
Time: 8 August 2014, 3:45:48.287238 pm
UUID: 18bdabf9-815a-49b4-b0bd-7716f1220436
Ancestors: Famix-Tests-Core-TudorGirba.45
adding tests for multiple file anchor.
Moose build is as unstable at it was before this change.
I am trying GET2 pieDiagram builder. You may want to add a random color in
the #pieExample method so it looks nicer (see attachment):
| diag |
diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
(diag pieDiagram)
models: #(30 10 20 40);
color: [ Color random ].
^ diag open.
Now my question is simple, but I don't know how to start
How would you add labels to each sector?