We will have a Moose 5.0 release soon (ideally this month). What is left to
do is:
- Integrate PP-Islands (Jan? :))
- Migrate relevant visualizations from Roassal1 to Roassal2
- Drop Roassal1 and GraphET1 from the configuration (the packages will
still be loadable, only not supported anymore)
Are there other topics we should be aware of?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hi guys - excuse me if I have the terminology wrong, but are there any gtInspector tab things for visualising JSON in the inspector?
Inspired from Tudor’s ESUG talk on using moose for non-code things I thought I might explore visualising some cards a team stores in Trello (which is JSON based).
I’m building up some objects to model Trello, but they are pulling from some raw JSON and it would be handy to see it more easily in an inspector to work out what I need. I did wonder if Moose had been used on JSON data and whether it had been plugged into GTInspector?
If not - maybe there is a little side distraction for me?
Which raises an interesting side question - is there the concept of dynamic tabs in GTInspector? As in - if have a string and I think it can be rendered in JSon, can I then popup a tab for that visualisation?
Jan has implemented a nice parser that allows us to specify easily
productions that depend on text having to be on a new line.
For example, in Pillar, a header is specified through an exclamation mark
starting on a new line. Now, you can parse this as:
#startOfLine asParser , $! asParser , #newline asParser negate star
Pretty cool!
@Jan: I think we need to enhance a bit the implementation. The
implementation looks like this right now:
(position = 0) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
^ (collection at: position) = Character cr.
This will work when the line ending is either cr or lf+cr. However, it
won't work if the line ending is just lf.
For example, in my parsers, the newline implementation looks like:
(#cr asParser , #lf asParser optional) / #lf asParser / #cr asParser
What do you think?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hi guys,
Having a graph of objects that doesn't want to go away even after GC but we
think they should have, is a common scenario. At least, in my case. When I
have this kind of issue, I spend hours, doing a "Strong Pointers" view from
the explorer. And this is a pain and hard.
So I wonder...has anyone build a visualization tool to help this task?
In my chart, the x axis represents the Date. I'd like to only label the
first day of a month. Specifying a number of ticks is problematic because
they can be fractional.
What I'm looking for is something like:
if: [ :point | point date dayOfMonth = 1 ]
label: [ :point | point date mmddyyyy ]
(where points are my domain objects that respond to #date)
I did the following quick and dirty hack in the mean time:
b axisConfiguration
labelConvertion: [ :x | (Date julianDayNumber: x rounded) mmddyyyy
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Conditional-X-Axis-Labeling-tp4774245.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I implemented Voronyj diagrams for Roassal. You can read about it here: http://natalia.tymchuk.me/RTVoronyjDiagram/ .
I will be on vacation from Monday till Thursday, but it will be really cool if you can write me your opinion about this project and all your remarks.
Best regards,
Should've started a separate thread before...
"CompiledMethod DNU #numberOfLinesOfCode"
The transformation from #numberOfLinesOfCode -> #linesOfCode seems to be
needed in many of the examples throughout Roassal & PBE2.
- RTCharterBuilder examples are broken, mostly because of this
- RTCharterBuilder>>#exampleHistogram seems to have a different problem, not
sure; but possibly redundant because there is another histogram example?
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Roassal-Examples-Broken-tp4773942.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I again want to highlight the importance of dimensions that are not scalable.
If you remember Voronyj diagrams[1] that Natalia did, usually you do not care about the size of borders, or the size of sites compared to the rest of diagram. But as total size of a resulting diagram is not predictable, and you scale it to fill your viewport, you end up with a different size of borders which is sometimes inappropriate.
Again, when you have a scatterplot. Sometimes you have clusters, and sometimes you have sparse plots. I think that it can be essential to be able to say: “I need my elements to be always 5px in radius”. This way you can always see them when you zoom out and they are not overlapping when you zoom in.
I understand that this may be hard to implement. Just wanted to highlight because maybe someone is planing to do something cool on the next weekend :)
[1] http://natalia.tymchuk.me/RTVoronyjDiagram/
Hi guys - I was really amazed by the advances I saw being made in Moose at ESUG and so I’ve downloaded the latest 2292 image (using Pharo Launcher) to give things a spin.
Can I first check that this is the image I should use? I checked out the stable 4.9 version - but it doesn’t seem to have the playground that I observed people using at ESUG and seemed slicker? I should also say that I don’t mind if its a bit wobbly, as I figure I might as well help test the latest version.
Assuming this is the right version - I notice that on OSX when I press Shift-Enter (to spotlight search code), it doesn’t give me any auto-completed items like it does in Pharo (e.g. Typing “Order” doesn’t start showing any classes). I noticed this was broken in a version I downloaded at ESUG as well, so I took the latest just to check.