Hi, when trying out the new pillar inspector (Great!)
I noticed some issues with PetitTest and PetitAnalyzer.
Their packages are dirty after
#ConfigurationOfPetitParserIslands asClass loadDevelopment.
I've tried it on Pharo For The Enterprise
Much easier to use than a plain text viewer.
Here are some more common constructs to handle:
- ending a code block with]]] at the end of line
- ClassName>>methodName
- ClassName class>>methodName
Documentation is important. To make it more likely and more enjoyable for
people to write more of it, I teamed up with Andrei and Jan to build up
support for Pillar in the GTInspector.
The current solution brings the following:
- Pillar specific syntax highlighting including Shout highlighting for code
- Embedded files validation and preview possibility
- Quick browsing of Pillar book projects when inspecting the book folder
- Class comment rendering using Pillar syntax when inspecting the class
- Text editor support for custom highlighting in Glamour (using Rubric for
- Island parsing for quick specification of incomplete parser
You can learn more about it here:
[image: Inline image 1]
There is much more to do in this direction, and I would be happy to inspire
some of you to join forces. Please let us know what you think.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I currently use Charter which is doing nice charts for me. But I experienced some kind of bug with the scales of the chart especially if the values are negatives.
See by yourself:
Here the code to draw it:
| b |
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 400 @ 300.
b points: { 5 . 6 . 7 .-1 . -3}.
b connectDotColor: Color red.
b interaction popup.
b allY: #yourself.
b stackX.
b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 6.
b open.
b view canvas.
Did I make something wrong?
Thanks in advance !
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I took the notes below while going through the chapter. In summary:
- maybe RTTabTable is mis-packaged?
- it's hard to keep written examples up-to-date with the code, especially
when they are not automatically tested (of course in my dreams we only have
active essays and never run into this problem, yet I digress...)
- Code comments are key for when users want to drop into the code quickly
from an example in the documentation to adapt it to our own needs
- Nagging thought (not specific to the chapter): most of the Roassal
examples I've seen illustrate procedural scripts. It might be nice to have
more OOP examples, or if the point is to target
non-programmers/Smalltalkers, at least a disclaimer saying that they're in
script form for simplicity of copy/paste or whatever, but a real-world OOP
example can be downloaded at...
Roassal Quick Start says to visualize CSV data starting with RTTabTable, but
shows the table plotted on a map, which does not fit my use case. It seems
like I should be able to use the table not-on-a-map, but I see that it’s in
the Builder-Map package, so I’m not so sure. In the end, that works out okay
because I see that it’s reused in the Timeline example.
Just as an experiment, I adapt the timeline example. Most of it is
straightforward except the send of #normalizeSize:min:max:using: which was
hardcoded and makes my data huge. I’d like to adjust it, but neither the
method nor its class (RTMetricNormalizer) has a comment and I can’t figure
it out from the example senders. Oh, well it was just an experiment…
Next up, the charting example. First hurdle:
#axisXNoLabelledWithNumberOfTicks: does not seem to exist in the system
(fresh download from the link at the start of the chapter). I shorten it to
axisXWithNumberOfTicks:, which works but the resulting chart is overcrowded
with X axis labels. The example now works, but it’s hard to figure out
what’s going on to adapt it to my use. For example, allY: is not a
meaningful name to me and there is no method comment.
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Quick-Start-User-Experience-tp4773949.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Roassal is sooo cool! Maybe /too/ cool?! ;-)
I'm having a hard time with RTCharterBuilder. My confusion comes from
everything appearing on the same level, kind of like Amber's html canvas
being magically changed when you enter a tag #with: block. Check out this
snippet for example:
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b interaction popupText: [ :point | point someMessage ].
b points: aCollectionOfPointsOfTypeA.
b connectDotColor: Color green.
b y: [ :r | r newLikes ].
b x: [ :d | d date julianDayNumber ].
b interaction popupText: [ :point | point anotherMessage ].
b points: aCollectionOfPointsOfTypeB.
b connectDotColor: Color red.
b y: [ :r | r second * 50 ].
b x: [ :d | d first julianDayNumber ].
The fact that #x: and y: mean different things depending on the order of the
rest of the script is a little "too helpful" to me. I'd much rather have
things that are a property of a particular data set belong to a tangible
object. Something like:
dataSet := RTDataSet new
points: anotherCollection;
connectDotColor: Color red;
y: [ :r | r second * 50 ];
x: [ :d | d first julianDayNumber ].
b addDataSet: dataSet.
The magic confuses other not-so-magical things. Like, afterwards, I tried to
set #popupText: differently for each data set, but they all seemed to be
applied to the both data sets, and were causing errors because the type of
points were different, so I was getting DNUs. Now here was the real cost: I
wasn't sure whether #popupText: was per-chart, or there was some special
ordering necessary e.g. "#popupText: before #points:". This lead to flopping
around followed by giving up. I eventually got frustrated enough that I
hacked in an #isKindOf: in both #popupText: blocks since I couldn't delegate
the #popupText: to the point objects because it was specific to this
particular chart.
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Chart-Builder-DSL-Too-Good-tp4773990.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I’ve just noticed an interesting thing. When I open roassal examples and then I #fork some block, it’s not being executed. But as soon as I close examples it executes. Maybe some #yield is missing somewhere?