Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0
New issue 1002 by tu...(a) The treemap builder should support
multiple types of nodes
TreeMaps are particularly useful to show leaf nodes within a nested parent
nodes tree. For example, they can show classes within packages. They are
less useful for showing only one type of nodes, like a class hierarchy
given that the weight is only meaningful when applied to the leaf nodes.
However, right now, we can specify nodes only with one block, weight with
one block only and edges with another one block. This is less convenient.
We should extend this to allow multiple sets of nodes.
Consider this code:
packages := RPackageOrganizer default packages select: [:each | each name
beginsWith: 'AST'].
classes := packages flatCollect: [:each | each definedClasses ].
builder weightBlock: [ :el | el isBehavior ifTrue: [ el linesOfCode + 1]
ifFalse: [ 1 ] ].
builder nodes: (packages), (classes).
builder nestingFromAssociations: (
(builder nodes select: [ :each | each isBehavior ])
collect: [ :each |
(each) -> each package ]).
builder drawOn: rawView .
It would be better to have it like:
builder weight: [ :el | el linesOfCode + 1] ].
builder nodes: classes.
builder nodes: packages
builder nest: classes in: [ :each | each package ].
builder drawOn: rawView .
Note how nesting is defined following the same pattern as edges:from:to:,
and how the weight is only applied to the next nodes.
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There are only a couple of things left to do in the migration:
- Fix the UML diagram to properly show attributes (we need another
transformation to show the name of an attribute)
- Reimplement a treemap visualization in Roassal2 and have the
SystemNesting ported to it
- Reimplement the GLMBrowser>>viewTree visualization
Anyone interested in helping?
Just a reminder: these are pretty much the main things that are still left
to do in order for us to release Moose 5. Once we release it, we can move
to Pharo 4 and benefit from a larger exposure and feedback for all the
tools built around Moose.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I am a bit puzzled by the behavior of Roassal2 using RTGraphBuilder.
Inspired by the Agile Visualization Book, I tried some scripts, but I
ran into some problems regarding edges.
I used this simple script to connect some random dots:
nodes := #(one two three four five).
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b edges
color: Color red;
connectFrom: [ :e | nodes atRandom ].
b nodes color: Color gray.
b layout grid.
b addAll: nodes.
It worked to draw the dots, but it didn't displayed any edge. The weird
thing is that if I put integers or characters inside nodes, it works
Example -- this works:
nodes := #(1 2 3 4 5 6).
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b edges
color: Color red;
connectFrom: [ :e | nodes atRandom ].
b nodes color: Color gray.
b layout grid.
b addAll: nodes.
Am I doing something wrong?
In latest moose image do:
RTNameCloud new example1
Apparently, there are some extension methods of Roassal 1 that need to be
ported to Roassal 2. It would be good to make sure that Roassal 1 can be
loaded without any conflicts when porting these to Roassal 2 because
Roassal 1 is still being used.
I can open a bug report.
Hi all,
To make it easier to integrate GTools into Pharo we split the three
configurations that were used (ConfigurationOfGlamour,
ConfigurationOfGTInspector, ConfigurationOfGTPlayground) into two.
Now there are:
These only load the features that are integrated into Pharo.
There are also ConfigurationOfGlamour, ConfigurationOfGTInspector and
ConfigurationOfGTPlayground that are based on the previous ones, load all
the other features, and are supposed to be loaded into Moose. From a user
of this configuration there should be no visible changes.
We also simplified a lot ConfigurationOfGlamour and fixed some bugs in
Let us know if you encounter any problems.
Andrei and I have just updated all the Roassal examples to be GT compliant. The result is __really__ cool.
You can even edit the example (it does not save the code, which is a feature) and see the example.
Here are some screenshots:
Really really cool! This is a whole new experience to browse Roassal example!
Andrei & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel