I’m trying to use Moose to analyze some C++ and Java code and will need some advice. First, I’ve tried to parse the Java code with inFamix and continue to get the error “The location of the project must be specified.” I’ve passed in as ‘-path’ every directory down to a Main.java file.
I found a possible bug in Roassal 2 (or in UIManager...).
If there is a canvas menu (RTMenuBuilder) item opening UIManager (not tested
with other classes/windows), it correctly opens that windows, but mouse
focus stays in canvas for first click/drag.
Reproduce steps:
RTSmartBrowser new open
click on Find (button on canvas)
click on class (in submenu below it)
(UIManager window opens)
try to click on Cancel or OK or text field => it does nothing, because you
are clicking to canvas, even if your mouse is outside canvas morph, you can
even drag the canvas from outside the morph. But only for first click, next
click is ok.
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Roassal2-Canvas-menu-to-UI-window-glitch-tp4789547.ht…
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am reading about moose and i am testing visualizations on moose panel.
I use the moose 5.0 and I generated a MSE's model from my Java Projects. I
too installed CodeCity visualizations, using goffer command.
In moose panel with the item "All classes - all famixclasses (78)" selected,
I clicked on the buttons:
1 - Complexity button: Show the graphic perfect.
2 - CodeCity button: Show the graphic perfect.
3 - Nesting button: An error occurs! See the picture with error in
"RTView>>raw", informs that the message "raw" not exist.
The function that calls this "raw" message is:
This function is in FAMIXTypeGroup (*moose-finder).
This error occurs because packages need to update in the moose 5.0?
How to customize the visualizations on the moose panel?
I am beginner in the pharo and moose studies. Sorry my English, I am an
intermediary writer of English texts.
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/FAMIXTypeGroup-moose-finder-error-RTView-raw-MessageN…
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Yes, please do not quote more text than is needed, and use basic netiquette.
No top-posting. I sometimes have to follow these lists through forum.world.st,
or as an email-digest on my phone, and the enormous amount of garbage
between comments makes it much more difficult and time-consuming to react.
Hi Alex,
I am trying to use Roassal2. We can do amazing things with it. It is a
powerful tool.
But, it lakes of documentation. I mean, there are lots of examples and we
can reuse them.
My problem is that I cannot create something from scratch, just because I
do not understand the workflow.
You know, I used Glamour and Mondrian, where the workflow were clear. In
Roassal2, I am playing with blocks without understanding and without any
idea what can be the result before executing it.
My problem is not about language or DSL or API.
My question is: do you have a document that explain how to think a Roassal
script ?
It seems that to make something we can do it by multiple way. I just need
one way to understand the workflow or creating visualization.
Thank you for your help.
~~Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai
The value of tests in ci is in finding out if something changed and got broken.
Yellow tests for a long time don't help anyone. Marking tests as expected failure
improves the feedback quality.
The Henry tests are acceptance tests that have been failing for a long time.
The structure of RxParser is different from that of PPRegexParser.
Name: PetitRegex-StephanEggermont.30
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 November 2014, 12:21:14.634158 pm
UUID: 30da11c2-f338-454a-b9f6-4677f21bc791
Ancestors: PetitRegex-JanKurs.29
Marked Henry 45, 48, 87, 115, 199, 120
as expected failures.