Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are happy to announce Memory Profiler, a new profiler for Pharo. This profiler gives a nice output that indicates the memory consumption along the method call graph. Consider the following piece of code:
(MSP profile: [
Object browse
] onPackagesMatching: 'Nautilus*' ) inspect
Consider that MSP uses instrumentation, therefore long execution may take really long. The code above takes about 19 seconds on my iMac.
It opens a visualization that indicates some interesting fact about memory consumption. For example, the expression “Object browse” consumes 14 851 kb with instances of the class Point. More than 1M of points are created.
Here is the blueprint obtained:
A description of the visualization is available here:…
You need to load Spy from the Configuration Browser. Else the following incantation should work:
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'S2py';
configurationOf: 'Spy';
Alejandro & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel
Searching for elements in a visualization is a recurrent problem, for which we have no good solution so far.
I have the impression that GTSpotter cannot be used to look for elements in a Roassal visualization.
Can someone from the GT team confirm my feeling? Should I built my own search framework on top of Roassal?
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1104 by v.blonde...(a) Inspection of one item in a
MooseGroup should be the item and not a group containing the item
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
When you select a item in a group, you expect to inspect only the item and
not a group containing the item.
By the way, there is a strange thing because in the 'Raw' and 'meta' tabs I
inspect the group but in the others I inspect the item.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
LANPackageTestResource current model allClasses inspect
Select a class in the list.
Do: 'self class', you got a FAMIXClassGroup
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
Moose latest
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GT
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
The challenge with Python parsing is dealing with whitespace properly.
Jan Kurs was working on such a parser. I do not know how advanced it is.
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:30 PM, kilon alios <kilon.alios(a)> wrote:
> Hello guys I am learning PettitParser , I dowloaded the video tutorials of
> Tudor Girba (very good tutorial Tudor , well done ) and other
> documentation and I was wondering if a parser for Python already exists . I
> hope I am not asking something obvious.
> For my project I want to parse python types , that will be given to me as
> strings , to pharo objects. So that means parsing lists, dictionaries and
> other usual candidates. For example a python list is like
> '[1, 3, 50, [45, 'hello', 0.2], 63]'
> etc
> Anyone already worked on such problem ?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Début du message transféré :
> Expéditeur: kilon alios <kilon.alios(a)>
> Date: 9 janvier 2015 15:30:20 UTC−3
> Destinataire: Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)>
> Objet: [Pharo-dev] PettitParser and Python
> Répondre à: Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)>
> Hello guys I am learning PettitParser , I dowloaded the video tutorials of Tudor Girba (very good tutorial Tudor , well done ) and other documentation and I was wondering if a parser for Python already exists . I hope I am not asking something obvious.
> For my project I want to parse python types , that will be given to me as strings , to pharo objects. So that means parsing lists, dictionaries and other usual candidates. For example a python list is like
> '[1, 3, 50, [45, 'hello', 0.2], 63]'
> etc
> Anyone already worked on such problem ?
I have just modified the configuration of Roassal to load the spotter extension that search into the example of Roassal.
Here is a small screenshot:
Just pressed cmd+enter and typed: edge linear
I am now working on the find element using spotter
Alexandre Bergel
Stable version for Smalldude changed to specify a version for the package
Moose-Tests-Core so that we do not load the latest changes to the package
for Moose 5.1. These changes caused some tests to fail in Moose 5.0 stable.
Name: ConfigurationOfSmallDude-usmanbhatti.32
Author: usmanbhatti
Time: 9 January 2015, 12:41:18.75054 pm
UUID: 209a51a1-8716-4090-b203-2a9afc6b28f7
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfSmallDude-TudorGirba.31
specifying a version for moose-core-tests for stable version.