Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1106 by christop...(a) Be able to get the rawSelection in
a GLMPresentation even if noSelection is used
A GLMPresentation does not allow to get the selected value if the option
noSelection is specified. It looks right but ... noSelection is used if we
don't want to trigger a transmission to the selection port (and open a new
pane in GTInspector for example).
In this case, it makes sense to always populate the rawSelection so that
the selection remains available to other actions.
To do that, only a small change is needed in GLMPresentation>>selection:
selection: anObject
"Tell the pane about the new selection. This method is called when the
user changes a view's selection' (e.g., he clicks on an element in a list
(self pane port: #rawSelection) value: anObject.
self acceptsSelection ifFalse: [^ self].
rawSelectionTransmissions do: #transmit
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Hi all,
just to notify that in today’s Pharo 40461 doing a ConfigurationOfPetitParser loadDevelopment leads to a broken image: red morphs of death appear in already open windows and opening the spotter gives a DNU GLMBrick>>widthBlock It would be cool if some knowledgeable person had a look at this, thanks :-)
---> Save our in-boxes! <---
Johan Fabry -
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
I'm looking at the Basic Examples browser and I would like to use the
"Tree with tags" examples as an inspiration to build a custom browser.
My idea is to make a browser with two columns. Left is a tree with tags
and right is the "content" of that tree. According with the tags in the
tree the display and behaviour of the content will change. For example,
if the tree node is tagged with "code" the left browser will be and
executable pane, if not it will be just plain text.
For that I will like to change the order in which tags and children
names are shown in a tree with tags. I would like to have tags first and
children names second, which is the reverse order of what we have now. I
see in the examples that the message to build a tree with tags have the
a tree
display: [];
children: [];
tags: [].
and I would like something with the form:
a tree
display: [];
tags: [];
children: [].
I tried to find the message for [1] at the GLMTabulator and
GLMTreePresentation but it's not there and I don't know where else to
look for.
How can I change the order of tags and children names in a tree with
tags presentation for a browser?
I wanted to familiarize myself with Moose and the GlamourToolkit.
Since 2 days I try to load a stable and fully working environment but it
is not poassible no matter how many combinations of version ans
repositories I use.
Here are the steps I would expect to result in a working Moose-Image
based on a Pharo 3.0 virgin image.
Download a Pharo 3.0 installation.
Sytem - Software update (with and without this step... no different result)
Open Workspace and execute this:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Moose';
loadStable. (or loadDevelopment but both have the same results)
While loading the Moose package, I get several warnings about missing
prerequisites or application that are about to be modified (mainly
GTSpotter and Context related issues). I guess the load order is not
right there.
Now here are my bugs:
- Pharo Critic Browser is broken after loading Moose. I attached the
stack. No I didn't it is 8mb,... too much for the forum, I guess
- On a small netbook screen one can't import smalltalk code into Moose.
The final import form/widget is so big, that the "finish" button can not
be pressed and the widget can't be moved. A different layout might be
helpful. The taskbar overlays and intercapts mouse events.
- When I want to close a Model in Moose Panel and I close the main tab I
get a massive amount of debuggers and it is better to shutdown the image.
- Roassal widgets with text overlays show a red background debugger on
mouse over events. StrikeFont dnu.... (LocalFont glyphRendererOn:). I
meanwhile know that I can solve this by changing the Font settings of my
- The Moose Panel's tabs behaves wierd. On mouse over they change the
size of the tab's labels and one can't read and localize the desired tab
anymore. This gets worse when you have many tabs opened
- When I just close one of many tabs in Moose panel, I get errors
regarding doLayout is not understood by undefined Object and the whole
image freezes or after a further clicks,... the image is swamped with
Now, even when Pharo seems to have issues already. I go on an try this:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
#GTImageSetupCommandLineHandler asClass new activateWithoutSaving
- it is unclear to me how I can start the gtspotter....
- Open playground do a 1 inspect and get a Debugger saying SmallInteger
class dnu allSLots
Okay this is the last thing that makes the most enthusiastic user go
away from .... I hope not Smalltalk.
I started a software night here in town last Tuesday and I want to add
Smalltalk flavour. So far they where amazed about it but I used
VASmalltalk to show a "real live development system" sinceI know that it
is bullit proof. And it was.
But I also want to introduce the aspect of Smalltalk as tool and that is
where Phaor and Moose come in... it would be great if I had a stable
image that I could use for future nights.
It would be great if somebody could look into that.
I have some problem to change the colors of the nodes when I use one
Per example :
"b nodes
if: [:c | self halt. c inheritsFrom: RTShape];
color: Color yellow."
I try to put one breakpoint on the condition but that don't execute my
condition and also don't change color of nodes.
Thank you,
Hi all,
so I am impatient and I could not wait for Alex’s solution to my question of yesterday. I hacked something together that works most of the time, and now I have my scatterplot that updates itself quite quickly ! :- ) I give the core of the code below, and then report on a problem :-(
I have a builder instance variable, and an open and a refresh method. Open opens the first time, and refresh refreshes the view. (I call buildDataset, which builds the right dataset for the graph, that’s not relevant here).
builder := RTGrapher new.
builder add: self buildDataset.
builder build open
| view |
view := builder view.
view cleanAll.
builder := RTGrapher new.
builder view: view.
builder add: self buildDataset.
builder build
view signalUpdate.
And if you want this animated, just make an infinite loop that calls refresh (with a delay in-between to not hog the CPU).
self open.
[[true] whileTrue: [self refresh. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait]] fork
Et voila! C’est cool quoi! (Yes, I’m in France right now :-) )
There is sadly one problem: sometimes I get the red morph of death in the window :-( AthensCairoCanvas>>setShape: sends asAthensShapeOn: to nil. It’s not immediate, but after some time (variable) I always get it :-(. Any pointers on what it may be and how to fix it??
---> Save our in-boxes! <---
Johan Fabry -
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile