version1214Moose51: spec
is actually a version1215Moose51
The textColor change in Rubric is not cherry-picked
from the latest Rubric, nor from the latest stable Rubric
for Pharo4, but done differently again.
Patching an older version than current #stable Rubric
for Pharo4 is likely to lead to loading problems if one
needs more than just Moose, but you might want to wait
till someone complains.
Hi all,
In the example below. How can I print the size of the label instead of the circle’s size?
v := RTView new.
el := RTEllipse new size: 5; elementOn:'number'.
v add: el.
el @ (RTLabelled new fontSize:30).
el @ (RTPopup new textElement:[:e| e width asString]).
Best regards
Leonel Merino
How do I fix a bug in Moose/GToolkit?
Do I push to change to Pharo50Inbox and let you copy it from there?
Do I commit it to Moose/GToolkit directly (I would need rights)?
Do I send fileout over mailing list?
are fame and metanool projects dead? All links I found to them are dead ( ,
I remember there used to be a list of Moose tools on the website, but this
was removed after the redesign, so I am not sure if those projects were
abandoned or just removed from the spotlight (e.g. because you guys are
focused on GT).
And lastly for FAMIX and Smalltalk:
It is my understanding, that FAMIX/Moose is capable of generating (some)
source code, however I don't see how.
Can I do something like this?
MooseModel resetMeta.
model := MooseModel new.
(FAMIX.Class (id: 1) (name ''AClass'') (sourceAnchor (ref: 3)))
(FAMIX.Method (id: 2) (name ''aMethod'') (parentType (ref: 1))
(sourceAnchor (ref: 4)))
(FAMIX.FileAnchor (id: 3) (element (ref: 1)) (fileName ''afile''))
(FAMIX.FileAnchor (id: 4) (element (ref: 2)) (fileName ''afile'')
(startLine 3) (endLine 30))
)' readStream.
MooseModel generateClassesFrom: model.