I have added a new tab by defining the method:
FAMIXTypeGroup>>mooseFinderUMLIn: composite
<moosePresentationOrder: 20>
composite roassal2
title: 'UML';
titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseSourceText;
initializeView: [ RTUMLClassBuilder new ];
painting: [ :view :each |
each viewUMLOn: view ]
I do not really like the icon although.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I've added RTStyledLabel which supports TextEmphasis.
| v shape el all |
v := RTView new.
(shape := RTStyledLabel new) color: Color black.
#(normal italic bold underlined struckOut) do: [ :each |
el := shape
emphasis: (TextEmphasis perform: each);
elementOn: each.
v add: el ].
all := shape
emphasis: { TextEmphasis bold. TextEmphasis italic. TextEmphasis
elementOn: 'bold + italic + underlined'.
v add: all.
RTVerticalLineLayout on: v elements.
v open
I would like to build custom magritte view for a FAMIX model, however
it seems that Fame/Metanool are somehow interfering with it..
Imagine a simple model (a class with an attribute):
cls := FAMIXClass new name: 'Something'.
(attr := FAMIXAttribute new)
name: 'myAttribute';
declaredType: (FAMIXClass new name: 'OtherThing').
cls addAttribute: attr.
now I can open the magritte description
attr mooseDescription asMagritteDescription asMagritteMorph openInWindow.
However this is a meta description, which I don't want...
So second option was to build it manually; I extract descriptions that
I am interested in....
container := MAContainer new addAll: ({
attr mooseDescription at: 'name'.
attr mooseDescription at: 'declaredType'.
} collect: #asMagritteDescription).
(container asMorphOn: attr) openInWindow.
However the problem with this is, that the declaredType is presented
as TextField, which is not very useful.
So I'm kind of lost...
basically what I want to do is to have a MAContainer that contains
both the Attribute's name and #declaredType's name.
Is this possible?
I propose to change this:
MoosModel>>sourceLanguage: aSymbol
^sourceLanguage := aSymbol
MoosModel>>sourceLanguage: aSourceLanguage
sourceLanguage := aSourceLanguage.
sourceLanguage mooseModel: self
So, that we don't have to remember to add manually the source language to
the model.
Is it ok to do this change?
I am getting an exception with VerveineJ. No idea why.
VerveineJ processing file: ./agilevisualization/example/HelloWorld.java
*** VerveineJ visitor got exception: 'java.lang.NullPointerException' while processing file: ./agilevisualization/example/HelloWorld.java
The code is simply:
I have a .mse file that is created however.
Any what’s going on?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I wanted to use MooseQuery to get some call graphs in a model.
I have 4720 graphs to compute, I start from a class and I want all the incoming invocations at class level recursively.
I used the default queryAllIncomingInvocations of MooseChef and the one of MooseQuery.
It takes 1min20 with MooseChef.
With MooseQuery, it takes 5 mins to do ~500 graphs... so 50 mins to calculate everything (I didn't try ;) )..
Maybe some performance improvement is needed?
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Just to let you know. I have slightly improved the normalizer. You can now send #distinctColorUsing: aBlockOrSymbol
Consider the following example:
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle.
b nodes: Collection withAllSubclasses.
b edges connectFrom: #superclass.
b layout tree.
b normalizer
normalizeSize: #numberOfMethods;
distinctColorUsing: #package.
This gives to each class a color depending on its package.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu