Hi everyone!
Yes, a new version of Pillar, again!
With this version we removed the old parser of Pillar to introduce
PetitPillar base on PetitParser.
This parser is slower than the previous one but we will be able to
improve his speed.
We will also be able to improve Pillar at the parser level, which was
impossible before. So we will be able to remove some hacks and improve
the experience of the users.
If you are good in parser and you want to contribute to his improvement,
feel free to help, we have a lot of tests to help. This is my first
parser so I am sure it have a lot of rooms for improvement.
It seems that Metacello does not consider PackageName-xyz and
PacakgeName-BranchName-xyz as the same package. I suspect it because when I
look at the packages loaded by two different configurations with and
without branch names as package name suffixes are not the same. Could
someone knowing the internals of Metacello confirm it?
So, here is a log of Metacello of the loadDirective for ConfigOfGlamour
with and without packages with branch names. I have truncated the output to
highlight important parts of the log.
----------- Metacello log follows ----------------------
Without branching (Rubric and Glamour-Morphic-Renderer loaded only once):
linear load :
atomic load : 3.3.0 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
linear load : 3.1.3.Moose51 [ConfigurationOfGlamourCore]
--------------------List of Packages----------------
atomic load : 1.2.14.Moose51 [ConfigurationOfRubric]
load : Rubric-AndreiChis.207
load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-AndreiChis.324
--------------------List of Packages----------------
linear load : 1.13 [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
linear load : 3.1.4 [ConfigurationOfGlamourCore]
--------------------List of Packages----------------
With branching (old versions overwrites the fixes):
linear load :
atomic load : 3.3.0 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
linear load : 3.1.3.Moose51 [ConfigurationOfGlamourCore]
--------------------List of Packages----------------
atomic load : 1.2.14.Moose51 [ConfigurationOfRubric]
load : Rubric-Moose51-usmanbhatti.207
load :
--------------------List of Packages----------------
linear load : 1.13 [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
linear load : 3.1.4 [ConfigurationOfGlamourCore]
atomic load : 1.2.15 [ConfigurationOfRubric]
load : Rubric-AlainPlantec.206
load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-AndreiChis.321
--------------------List of Packages----------------
What it actually changes is packages with branch name are overwritten with
their predecessors and hence fixes are not correctly included in the
resulting image. It seems that ensuring correct loading in the presence of
branched packages requires no other configuration is loading previous
versions of the branched packages.
I do not see it on:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:11 PM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)stack.nl> wrote:
> 15 minutes should be enough to create a custom tool,
> helping me gain insight in my problem.
> Moose (and Pharo) delivers.
> https://vimeo.com/139004257
> Stephan
> A big thank you to the GT & Roassal crew
"Every thing has its own flow"
15 minutes should be enough to create a custom tool,
helping me gain insight in my problem.
Moose delivers.
A big thank you to the GT & Roassal crew
When dynamic actions are displayed between two presentations, they are not
displayed at all. Here is a snippet to reproduce this problem. I've
committed a fix in the Moose51 repo.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
row: #one; row: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a tree
display:[ :x| 1 to: x ] ].
browser transmit to: #two; andShow: [ :a |
a tree
display: #(a b c);
filterOn: [ :text :each | each name includesSubstring: text ];
dynamicActions: [ :list | {GLMGenericAction new
action: [ ];
title: 'Action';
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousBrowse;
yourself} ]].
^ browser openOn: 5
The ellipse border color does not seem to work. Is this an Athens problem,
or just a missing implementation? Could someone take a look?
For example:
view := RTMondrian new.
view shape ellipse borderColor: Color red.
view nodes: #( 1 2 3 ).
[image: Inline image 1]
"Every thing has its own flow"