It would be nice if the moose5.1 (https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/moose-5.1/) image has no failing tests.
2 tests are failing :
>>><javascript:showStackTrace('test-GT.Tests.Spotter.GTSpotterProcessorsForExamplesTest.testEachProcessor','GT.Tests.Spotter/GTSpotterProcessorsForExamplesTest/testEachProcessor//summary')> GT.Tests.Spotter.GTSpotterProcessorsForExamplesTest.testEachProcessor<https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/moose-5.1/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/GT.Te…>
1 mn 43 s
>>><javascript:showStackTrace('test-GT.Tests.Inspector.GTInspectorExamplesTest.testAllExamples','GT.Tests.Inspector/GTInspectorExamplesTest/testAllExamples//summary')> GT.Tests.Inspector.GTInspectorExamplesTest.testAllExamples<https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/moose-5.1/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/GT.Te…>
10 mn
The second has a duration of 10mins which is very long. Does it mandatory do run it and does it possible to split it ?
A way to solve them is to change in RTGrapherExample>>exampleSeismDepthAndMag and exampleSeisms, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v0.1/summary/2.5_month.csv by http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/2.5_month.csv
But as it is in Roassal repo I cannot commit it... and one will have to change the configuration of Moose5.1...
By the way, does the GT* tests can be done in a GT job, e.g.: https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/gtoolkit5 or https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/gtoolkit/?
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Hi everyone,
I have defined #PPMyLanguageGenerator inheriting from PPMyLanguageParser inheriting from PPCompositeParser
In the class PPMyLanguageGenerator I have an instance variable named: model I initialize with : model := OrderedCollection new to collect reconized elements of my language
I also define PPSplotModelGenerator>>aMethd
anElement := someCode.
model add: anElement
When I try to test my method from a PPCompositeParserTest sub subclass I have the error message on the ligne above :
MessageNotUnderstood: PPDelegateParser >>add:
But model is not supposed to be a PPDelegateParser!!!!
Any idea about this matter and how can I acc my variable from my methods?
I have an error when trying to filter some packages in the wizard, after having pressed ST->.
Any idea?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
after a year of using Moose I actually wanted to use it for what it was
made for... and I kind of don't know how...
so basically I have packages (let's call them B1 B2 and D1 D2 D3) and I
would like to visualize all dependencies between classes in those packages.
More specifically I'm interested in all calls from D* packages to B*...
After looking through TheMooseBook I've found things like MooseModel and
MoViewRenderer, which the first I assume is related to non-smalltalk code
and second is outdated version of RTMondrian.
RTMondrian however doesn't have documentation yet and I am kind of lost.
How do I define that I am interested only in calls between those packages
(that's without calls inside a package)? Ideally if it can also display the
name of the methods.
I could probably build it procedurally going in cycles class by class,
method by method but I was hoping there's better way.
Any pointers appreciated,