this is just an idea that's been bugging me for some time...
what if callbacks could be attached just like regular events?
aBox when: TRExtentChanged do: [ :event | (self parentFor: aBox) rebuild ]
Is there benefit in having some events as events and some as callbacks?
Isn't event more versatile?
What do you think?
I should probably check how this is done in Bloc...
Hi Alex,
you've marked TRConstraint as obsolete, however not all behavior has been
yet implemented in new RTConstraint.
Namely methods from "public - resizing", "public - camera", and "public -
Secondly I am not sure about the name of RTConstraint class>>child:parent:
(Tudor also didn't like the name when he saw it. :))
I don't think the naming fits well into Roassal... maybe RTConstraint
class>>on:backElement: ?
Hi Hannes!
Here is a first shoot paired-programmed with Juraj using Roassal:
b := RTTimeLine new.
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP1; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP2; start: 5; end: 8).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP3; start: 7; end: 10).
b axisX numberOfLabels: 5.
Here some slightly more elaborated example:
“One color per entry"
| b d |
b := RTTimeLine new.
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 6; end: 8).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 8; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c3; start: 0; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c4; start: 5; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c5; start: 5; end: 8).
d := RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
d shape line color: Color white.
b addDecorator: d.
b axisX
numberOfLabels: 5;
labelRotation: -45;
labelConversion: [ :v | Date year: 2015 day: v ].
b shape color: (RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: b entries).
One color per timeline
| b |
b := RTTimeLine new.
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 6; end: 8).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 8; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c3; start: 0; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c4; start: 5; end: 10).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c5; start: 5; end: 8).
d := RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
d shape line color: Color white.
b addDecorator: d.
b axisX
numberOfLabels: 5;
labelRotation: -45;
labelConversion: [ :v | Date year: 2015 day: v ].
b shape color: (RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new command: #identifier; objects: #(c1 c2 c3 c4 c5)).
Age of some classes:
| b |
b := RTTimeLine new.
b extent: 500 @ 500.
((RTShape withAllSubclasses sortedAs: #ageInDaysRounded) select: #hasMethods)
do: [ :cls |
e := RTTimeLineEntry new.
e identifier: cls.
e start: cls computeYoungestMethod ageInDays.
e end: cls computeOldestMethod ageInDays.
b addEntry: e ].
All these examples are in the Roassal time line example menu.
This is still an early version. Let us know how it goes!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
> On May 7, 2015, at 4:25 PM, H. Hirzel <hannes.hirzel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> Has somebody done a GANTT chart?
> GanttChartMorph openOn: aCollectionOfActivities
> ?
> Activities have
> - id
> - description
> - start date
> - end date
> ?
> Regards
> Hannes
Hi Alex,
I've noticed that with addition of DoubleArrowedLine you've also added
concept of "inverted" to attach points.
This seems really strange from the perspective that all methods
are identical only with swapped ifTrue:/ifFalse:
for example
startingPointOf: anEdge
^ (inverted ifTrue:[anEdge to] ifFalse:[anEdge from]) position
endingPointOf: anEdge
^ (inverted ifTrue: [anEdge from] ifFalse: [anEdge to]) position
this is harder to read and more error-prone than
startingPointOf: anEdge
^ anEdge from position
endingPointOf: anEdge
^ anEdge to position
plus there is code duplication. And this is just the simplest attach point.
Since I should also add "inverted" to my attach points that are in Roassal
(RTRectangleAttachPoint, ...)
maybe the actual computation should be delegated?
RTAttachPoint>>startingPointOf: anEdge
^ inverted
ifTrue: [ self basicEndingPointOf: anEdge ]
ifFalse: [ self basicStartingPointOf: anEdge ]
RTAttachPoint>>endingPointOf: anEdge
^ inverted
ifTrue: [ self basicStartingPointOf: anEdge ]
ifFalse: [ self basicEndingPointOf: anEdge ]
RTAttachPoint>>basicStartingPointOf: anEdge
^ self subclassResponsibility
RTAttachPoint>>basicEndingPointOf: anEdge
^ self subclassResponsibility
This also will not break current implementation but it will give
opportunity to improve them.
And if there was a situation where the implementation would be actually
different for inverted (and not just swapped values), than you could still
just implement startingPointOf:/endingPointOf:
I am wondering... how will moving Roassal to Bloc affect other platforms
such as VisualWorks? Because it seems it would be unportable with Bloc, no?
It would be great to get feedback from you guys.
We have the class TRConstraint that allows for roassal elements to be aligned (cf Section 10 in https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31543901/AgileVisualization/Roassal/010… <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31543901/AgileVisualization/Roassal/010…>).
Currently, you can write:
TRConstraint use: centralDot alignFromTop: negativeElements
Which align all the elements contained in the collection negativeElements against a fix point, centralDot.
It looks pretty easy to read. However, the class TRConstraint has many methods (alignFromBottom:, alignFromLeft:, use: aShape alignFromBottom: shapes, …) which are essentially all duplicated code.
So, I though about creating a compact class, called RTAlignment. You can now write:
RTAlignment new elements: negativeElements; fixedElement: centralDot; top
But, I find that less nice to read. Any opinion?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We have improved MooseChef with a generic version MooseQuery.
In the following when we talk about MooseChef, it means the current version available by default in Moose. When we talk about MooseQuery, it means the generic improved version, available on Anne’s smalltalkHub repository.
All the tests of MooseChef except 4 are passing when using our new MooseQuery API.
These four tests concern the same point package scope for extension method.
Considering classA having a method methodA1 calling a method methodBExt1 that extends classB.
classB is defined in pckgB and its extension method by pckgC.
Considering the two following requests:
1. classA queryOutgoingInvocation atClassScope atPackageScope
2. classA queryOutgoingInvocation atPackageScope
To the first query, MooseChef and MooseQuery answer the same: pckgB
To the second query, MooseChef answers pckgC and MooseQuery answers pckgB and pckgC.
So first question: What is the expected behavior? What do we want?
According to us, MooseQuery behavior is more consistent.
Considering now Java code.
class1 contains a method method1 which in its turn contains an inner class innerClass2. innerClass2 contains 2 methods method21 and method22.
the following query:
innerClass2 methodScope
In MooseChef this query has for result method21 and method22.
The following query:
innerClass2 atScope: FAMIXMethod
In MooseQuery this query has for result method1. Indeed, the atScope: method look for the container (also called parent).
So the second question: what is the expected behavior? Do we want like in MooseQuery that atScope: by default always goes up in the containment tree since it is a generic version of atTypeScope, atPackageScope... and do we want another method to goes down in the containment tree?
In MooseChef, methodScope, always goes down to look for the contained methods. typeScope always goes up except for ScopingEntities. These methods have been implemented for each type of entities. It is what we want to avoid with MooseQuery.
It is clear that Synectique will soon migrate to this new version and that our project of SQL analysis will also use it. Please don’t hesitate to use it.
location: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/AnneEtien/MooseQueryDraft/main'
user: ''
password: ‘'
We will do as soon as possible a small doc to explain the usage.
Thank you in advance for your answer to our questions.
Jean-Christophe and Anne
yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.
I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything.
If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some?
Thanks for your answer.
Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
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