A while ago, Stef reported that he could not select text anymore in the new
Rubric-based interfaces (inspector, playground).
I noticed this as well but only occasionally. Here is what I found.
TextMorph uses a kind of a simulation to support smart selection. As a
result, you basically can do:
- click once at the beginning of a parenthesis
- wait a couple of seconds
- click again
==> and the text is selected
Instead of this mechanism, Rubric relies on real double click events. So,
in order to select something you have to click-click quickly.
Now, the issue is that every once in a while, somehow the image seems to
stop receiving double clicks. I experienced this both on Windows and on
Mac. As a consequence, it appears that you cannot select anymore with
double click. To double check that this happens, you can try double
clicking on the window title and you will see that it does not maximize
If you close the image and open it again, the problem gets fixed. This
makes it difficult to reproduce and debug.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I am preparing a talk on software environmentalism (
http://www.tudorgirba.com/blog/keynote-at-ecoop-2014) and I am looking for
resources around the following issues:
- the amount of source code in the world
- the amount of time spent on reading code
- the development tools in use
- how people use custom tools (for example, unix/linux scripts)
- or other similar ones
Do you happen to know any pointers that go in this direction?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hello everyone,
In a former moose version, it was being able to do on a MooseGroup : Browse>>In Eye See Editor.
Now it is not possible...
What tool should I use to draw graphs?
Thanks in advance
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New issue 1079 by v.blonde...(a)gmail.com: , (comma) should not be
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
When you send the message "," to a FM*MultivalueLink, you expect to have a
copy of your collection with no impact on the old one.
But it's not the case with the FM*MultivalueLink instances which are
keeping a link to the old collection...
I propose to implement "," in FM*MultivalueLink by:
self shouldNotImplement
What do you think ?
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
class:=FAMIXClass new addAttribute:(FAMIXAttribute new);yourself.
class methods
Here "class methods" is empty
class methods , class attributes.
class methods
Here "class methods" is not empty !
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
W7 - Moose latest
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