Hi Alex,
Any updates of the project about constructing visualizations with Roassal
for the web (with Amber?)?
Did that project get accepted for GSoc? If not, do you plan to have a
version of Roassal that could allow scripting visualizations on the web
(with Seaside)?
Because soon we'll need it ;).
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1015 by usman.bh...(a)gmail.com: GraphET should support lineWidth
and legend
Graphet should provide support for line width for line diagrams and a
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Daniel has worked on additional circle layouts, which are now included in Roassal.
We now have RTEquidistantCircleLayout and RTWeightedCircleLayout in addition to RTCircleLayout and RTCenteredCircleLayout
Consider this small script:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 20 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*4+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
It produces the output:
There are two recurrent problems with this rendering:
- circles are not centered
- circles overlaps and this overlap can be avoided since there is spaces between the small circles. The layout does not consider the size of the elements
RTEquidistantCircleLayout and RTWeightedCircleLayout address these problems.
In the script above, replacing RTCircleLayout by RTWeightedCircleLayout produces the following:
The space is allocated to each element according to its size.
A variation of this situation may be seen with the following:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*10+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
The script produces
It may happens however that you want always the same space between the elements. You should therefore use RTEquidistantCircleLayout as in:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*10+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
It produces the following:
The work of Daniel may be found in Roassal2.
Thanks Daniel!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I built sometimes ago a tab in the moose panel to show an eyesee pieChart:
*viewAccessesTypesPieChartIn: composite <moosePresentationOrder: 275>
composite eyesee title: 'Database accessor types'; titleIcon:
MooseJEEIcons pieChart; diagram: [ :view :each | each
mooseInterestingEntity viewAccessesTypesPieChartOn: view ]; when: [
:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: FAMIXDBAccessGroup ]*
Now, if I load eyesee and the eyesee glamour presentation everything is
fine, however, I would like to port this view on graphET. So, I tried:
*viewAccessesTypesPieChartIn: composite <moosePresentationOrder: 275>
composite graphET title: 'Database accessor types'; titleIcon:
MooseJEEIcons pieChart; diagram: [ :view :each | each
mooseInterestingEntity viewAccessesTypesPieChartOn: view ]; when: [
:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: FAMIXDBAccessGroup ]*
now the local variable *each *contains the presentation instead of the
model, is that a wanted feature? If so, how can i access the model elements
to invoke the view I need? Should I move the logic that implements the view?
Thanks in advance,
Yes by graph I mean curves.
I used GraphET to compare some curves at the same time because Charter is very low level for what I want, and EyeSee is not loaded in Moose.
So with GraphET and 2 or 3 curves that's manageable.
But if I want to do a graph like that, with 10 curves:
How can I retrieve the names of the curves? Automatic colors and legend? Popups?
Thanks in advance.
Vincent Blondeau
-----Message d'origine-----
De : moose-dev-bounces(a)iam.unibe.ch [mailto:moose-dev-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] De la part de Alexandre Bergel
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 18:38
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: How to show graphs from the Moose panel?
What do you mean by graph? Simple curve?
You can use EyeSee or GraphET2.
I have recently started to work on Charter, a Roassal builder to draw graph.
You can try it:
| b |
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 400 @ 400.
b shape ellipse color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5).
b points: (0.0 to: 1.0 by: 0.05).
b curve.
b y: [ :v | v sqrt ].
b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 3.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b open.
If you have particular request for Charter, we will implement them.
Charter is still very raw...
On Jul 24, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau(a)worldline.com<mailto:vincent.blondeau@worldline.com>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> In a former moose version, it was being able to do on a MooseGroup : Browse>>In Eye See Editor.
> Now it is not possible...
> What tool should I use to draw graphs?
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers,
> Vincent BLONDEAU
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Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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I am trying GET2 pieDiagram builder. You may want to add a random color in
the #pieExample method so it looks nicer (see attachment):
| diag |
diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
(diag pieDiagram)
models: #(30 10 20 40);
color: [ Color random ].
^ diag open.
Now my question is simple, but I don't know how to start
How would you add labels to each sector?
Hi again,
I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
style, please let me know.
The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
to use it as a base for my project.
After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
as seen here:
The part I want to deal with is this:
explorer := GLMTabulator new
title: (mainTree header).
explorer column: #tree;
column: #body.
explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
a tree
display: mainTree children ].
explorer openOn: mainTree.
So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
and I will keep you posted on my advances.
On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> Hi Damien,
> Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
> On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <offray(a)riseup.net> wrote:
>>> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
>>> tree
>>> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
>>> and keep
>>> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>> without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
>> if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.
> This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
> http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-53cd4f36f021e9.68569046.jpg
> Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
> window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
> inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
> Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
> looking for.
> So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
> for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
> is located right now?
>>> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
>>> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
>>> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
>>> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like python
>>> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>> There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
>> you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
>> and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>> https://github.com/pillar-markup/pillar-documentation/
> I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
> support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
> docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
> there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
> would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
> That being said. I would like also a better integration between
> Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
> including working better with pandoc as a external library.
> [1] https://github.com/scholmd/scholmd/wiki
> [2] http://blog.martinfenner.org/2013/06/29/metadata-in-scholarly-markdown/
> [3]
> http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/sustainable-authorship-in-plain-tex…
> Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
> valuable to me,
> Offray
The favorite programming environments of biologists, mathematicians and physicians, are R, matlab, maple, Octave. All of them allow for saving and loading the content of a workspace. Would it be possible to have this in a playground? As you can imagine, I am not encouraging this practice at all. But it may help attracting them to Pharo.
Is this feasible? I can work on this if you guys are okay.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We are happy to announce the website http://agilevisualization.com
The website will federate our documentation effort for Roassal.
A chapter on creating builders in Roassal is now online.
Feedback is welcome!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
In the course of revamping the Pharo environment, we stumbled across the
print it action and we (Andrei and I) decided to rethink it.
[image: Inline image 1]
You can find more details here:
Let us know what you think.
"Every thing has its own flow"