Here is a new example:
v := RTView new.
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new.
shape add: RTLabel new.
shape add: RTBox new.
es := shape elementsOn: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
RTNest new
for: es
inShape: #second
add: [ :group :model |
group addAll: ((RTBox new color: Color blue) elementsOn: model methods).
RTGridLayout on: group.
RTFlowLayout new on: es.
es @ RTPopup @ RTDraggable.
v open
The last release of Roassal2 should address the comments of Leo and Doru I think…
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
When I inspect a collection or an object, the size of any string displayed is fixed at 50. Depending of the object you want to inspect, it is not enough when the strings are large...
I would like to know if it is possible to have an interactive string contraction/expension in the inspector?
I began to search but I didn't found how to dynamically access the width of the column.
For example, the attributes value can be expensed because there is enough space on its right.
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Sometimes we have to show large text files and Pharo takes some time to get
their contents and display them. In a Glamour browser, for example, the
user would click and then wait for a few seconds before he'll get the
desired results. In such cases, it will be useful to show the user a
certain text in the text presentation, and once the contents of the file
are available, the presentation updates itself with it (something on the
lines of Cursor>>showWhile:)
Conceptually, with Glamour this can be achieved in two ways: triggering two
transmissions for the text display pane and updating the text presentation
when file contents are available.
Triggering transmission (or placing values manually in entity/selection
ports) means that if the pane contains multiple presentations, each one
will get affected the "delayed" behaviour even when there is none.
Updating the text presentation is better suited. Something like:
| tab textDisplayBlock|
tab := GLMTabulator new.
tab title: 'Playing with huge text files'.
tab column: #list span: 0.5; column:[:c | c row: #code; row: #details].
textDisplayBlock := [ :each | 'Loading file ...' ].
tab transmit to:#list; andShow: [:a |
a list display: #yourself].
tab transmit to:#code; from:#list; andShow: [:a |
a rubricText
display: textDisplayBlock.
a roassal2 painting: [ :view :entity | view add: (((RTBox new color: Color
red) + RTLabel) elementOn: entity) ]
tab transmit to:#details; from:#list; andShow: [:a |
a rubricText
display: #yourself.
tab openOn: RubLipsumBasicExample selectors.
"I just displayed text presentation, you can provide me the alternate block"
textDisplayBlock:= [:each | (RubLipsumBasicExample sourceCodeAt: each)].
tab update.
But this has to be done with Announcements not to introduce a specific
delay each time and outside browser interpretation loop so that the pane is
visible during the file reading operation. I haven't found so far how to
change the display behaviour of a presentation from an announcement raised
by an object outside the browser/presentation like:
on: FileContentsAvailable do: [block := textDisplayBlock:= [:each |
(RubLipsumBasicExample sourceCodeAt: each)]. browser update]
So my questions: am I trying achieve something glamour does not support
(yet)? Can we add a generic showWhile: mechanism for Glamour textual
presentations without too much effort? Or there is a simple way to achieve
it that I don't see?
"It's not just you! http://www.moosetechnology.org looks down from here.”
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
The last build of Moose is severely broken. GLMRoassalEasel is not in the image, which prevent the world menu to open.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
"Nesting and composed shape”. Not really a new topic isn’t it?
I have worked on a way to indicate where in a composed shape inner elements can be inserted.
| v |
v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new.
shape add: RTLabel new.
shape add: (RTBox new size: 20; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3)).
es := shape elementsOn: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
es do: [ :e |
methodElements := RTBox new elementsOn: e model methods.
RTGridLayout on: methodElements.
RTNest new
on: e
inShape: #second
nest: methodElements
layout: #vertical.
v addAll: methodElements.
RTFlowLayout on: es.
es @ RTDraggable.
v open
The call of RTNest, indicated in bold, is the new thing.
The #vertical says we what to have the two shapes added to RTMultiCompositeShape have to use a vertical layout.
Here is the result:
Any comment?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
[ meta comment: We regularly publish in our Facebook and twitter some tips about Roassal. I am wondering whether you guys will be happy to see it in the pharo-users mailing list. Is this something you would like to see? Please help us adjusting our documentation effort ]
Here is a new tip:
Roassal Tip #9: How to adjust edge transparency with moose hovering?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I would like to know why CTRL+SHIFT+d doesn't not open the debugger from the playground but ALT+SHIFT+d does?
Is it possible to fix it?
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