Hi doru
i'm trying to get the parsers written by moser to work.
I cannot get the red executed (VW mess Sunittoo vs Sunit argggggghhhhhh)
I cannot get the parsers regenerated in VW.
So I'm trying to find a fix point.
Hi all,
We (Stephan and myself) decided to add a Delphi unit to the FAMIX hierarchy in the Famix-Delphi package, since this is both a package and a namespace. But here we ran into trouble: we can inherit from package, from namespace, or from a scoping entity, but in all cases the method allPackages and allNamespaces do not return the desired value. Also some derived functionality, like the code browser, does not function properly, since it uses namespaces to browse the code. So we propose the following changes:
1) allPackages and allNamespaces should return "allWithSubTypesOf: " instead of withAll:
2) The message "allWithSubTypesOf: aSmalltalkClass ofGroupClass: aGroupSmalltalkClass" should iterate over a new method call "withMooseSubclasses" instead of "withAllSubclasses"
3) Default return value of withMooseSubclasses is withAllSubclasses, except when a class registers itself as a Moose subclass, indicating it is of the "Moose type" of the class it registers to.
This allows us to create a "merged" type of package and namespace for Delphi and still allowing for the codeBrowser to function properly.
What do you think about this change. I implemented it in my image, and it seems to work fine.
Mouse Enter and Leave in Roassal is not working so well. Dynamic edges are
removed sometimes but sometimes they are not. Can you please have a look?
I committed a little enhancement to the load MSE menu action: it no longer
blocks the ui. Thus, even if you load a larger MSE file, you can still use
the user interface.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Finder Milestone-4.8
New issue 978 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Loading MSE should not block the UI
Right now, choosing to load from MSE blocks the UI. A better solution would
be to load the MSE in parallel.
The implementation should be in MPImportMSECommand.
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