You can find an example in GLMBasicExamples>>tableWithCustomWidth
On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do not know where it should have been integrated from :).
> In any case, I added the method now.
> So, now you can
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Jun 7, 2013, at 8:43 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <estebanlm(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> thats there since a bit more than a year ;)
> Take a look at GLMTableColumn>>#width and
> GLMMorphicListRenderer>>#treeMorphFor:and:
> the only thing that is missing is:
> GLMTablePresentation>>#column: aBlockOrString evaluated: aBlock width:
> aNumber
> self addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new
> title: aBlockOrString;
> computation: aBlock;
> width: aNumber;
> yourself)
> I do not know why that method was never integrated, btw :)
> Esteban
> On Jun 6, 2013, at 9:56 PM, Hernan Wilkinson <hernan.wilkinson(a)>
> wrote:
> :-) I'll try to do it if I have time....
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> wrote:
> Hi Hernan,
> Unfortunately, you cannot :(. But, it would be a nice addition if someone
> would add the capability :)
> Doru
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Hernan Wilkinson <
> hernan.wilkinson(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm creating a table with two column using glamour and I want the first
> column size to be greater than the second other words, how can I
> control the width of the columns in a table?
> Thanks!
> Hernan.
> --
> Hernán Wilkinson
> Agile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching
> Phone: +54 - 011 - 6091 - 3125
> Mobile: +54 - 911 - 4470 - 7207
> email: hernan.wilkinson(a)
> site:
> Address: Alem 693, Floor 5 B, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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> --
> "Every thing has its own flow"
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> --
> Hernán Wilkinson
> Agile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching
> Phone: +54 - 011 - 6091 - 3125
> Mobile: +54 - 911 - 4470 - 7207
> email: hernan.wilkinson(a)
> site:
> Address: Alem 693, Floor 5 B, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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> Moose-dev mailing list
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> Moose-dev mailing list
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> one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
"Every thing has its own flow"
I'm creating a table with two column using glamour and I want the first
column size to be greater than the second other words, how can I
control the width of the columns in a table?
*Hernán Wilkinson
Agile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching*
*Phone: +54 - 011 - *6091 - 3125*
Mobile: +54 - 911 - 4470 - 7207
email: hernan.wilkinson(a)
site: <>*
Address: Alem 693, Floor 5 B, Buenos Aires, Argentina
We are currently trying to analyze JavaScript code in Moose. We have a working parser to generate .mse files. The parser extract for each JavaScript function its position in the source code, its amount of lines of code, incoming and outgoing invocations.
We also have the nesting between functions. How can we represent this in Famix? A famix function can have a parent scope, but a parent scope can either be a package or a namespace, and not a function. Any hint ?
Another question. How can we link the source code to the famix model?
Help appreciated
Alexandre Bergel
Ok, I admit defeat. I see other issues in the bug tracker with components
listed, such as EyeSee, but I can't seem to figure out how to tag my bugs.
could someone explain briefly, please?
Did someone try to export individual panes of a glamour browser to an image
I see that GLMBrowser>>screenshot: aFilenameString on: anObject after:
does an export of the browser window's image but that more than what I am
looking for.
Dear all,
I have a question about the library EyeSee and Glamour Seaside:
I can use EyeSee to show the composite Diagram(you can see plotVector:
aSymbol) and it run very well on Pharo + Moose.
Now, my goal is representation of this diagram on Glamour Seaside(using
browser, display on Glamour+Pharo and on the web Glamour+Seaside). But I
don't find any solution for resolve this problem.
The code on Pharo + EyeSee:
The data that I use is a type Dictionary : a Dictionary 'result'
a result : key #I value: a vector I ( I1, I2 , I3)
key #S value: a vector S (S1, S2, S3)
>From this data, I return key and value and call a method plotVector:
result keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :eachSeries | eachSeries sqrt plotVector:
Function plotVector to show diagram:
plotVector: aSymbol
| cqdiag f Ylabel nbSpecies listColor diagRenderer |
cqdiag := ESCompositeDiagram new.
nbSpecies := (data at: 1) size.
listColor := self initializeListColors.
Ylabel := 'Number of Individuals of ',aSymbol asString.
1 to: nbSpecies do:[:i|
f := [ :x | (self atIndex: x) at: i ].
diag := (ESDiagramRenderer new lineDiagram)
y: f;
defaultColor: (listColor at: i);
yAxisLabel: Ylabel;
models: index.
cqdiag add: diag.
cqdiag width: 1200.
cqdiag height: 500.
cqdiag preferredAxisMaxY: (self preferredDataMax).
diagRenderer := ESDiagramRenderer new.
diagRenderer diagram: cqdiag.
^ diagRenderer open
My goal is represent this composite diagram (a ESDiagramRenderer ---> n
lineDiagram) on Seaside + Glamour. I looked the examples of eyeseeDiagram on
GLMBasicExample and SGLBasicExample but I haven't idea to resolve my
problem. Could you help me, please!
Best regards,
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Am I the only one to see no connection of the mail threads? Discussions are complete entangled. Is it because of my mail client?
Alexandre Bergel
I was just pointing someone to have a look at Moose, but I'm not sure of
the status of Moose 4.8 Development. I understand that Moose is
tracking Pharo 3.0, but I'm unsure if that is being done in 4.8, or 4.8
was going to synch with Pharo 2.0, and 4.9 was to track Pharo 3.0.
Could you clarify.
This from February...
cheers -ben