Andre Hora wrote:
>I see space to investigate the use of a graph database such as in order to store the model. The >Moose model is "just" a graph.
What do you hope to achieve by using a graph database? From my POV it just looks like a very inefficient
java based image. 64 bit though.
Some thoughts on the interaction with a Moose server retained from the
discussion with Anne and Vincent (it was also Vincent in my previous mail
but i misspelt :-).
With the current implementation, one can start by interacting with a model
at any level (allClasses, allMethods, etc.) and then narrow his search on
an entity or a set of entities. Every entity returns in the results the
list of msgs it implements. We are working on how to correctly choose a
specific moose entity from the returned collection (see my previous mail).
Scoping information is essential to correctly identify/find an entity. So
scoping information can be retained by the way user interacts with the
server. For example:
But that would mean interaction is restrictive, one has to start with the
highest level of container (allPackages in java) and drill down to search
for the required entity. Not retained.
Nicolas P. suggested to keep a way to search entities by their mooseIDs as
well so we'll implement it as well.
Specify the number of entities to return.
Be able to specify an element by its position in the collection returned.
What do you think?
(* I send the other part without finishing it *)
Wouldn't it be
nice (useful) if a layout could have a legend easily ?
I mean
automatically making a kind of grid layout representing different nodes
and edges, with the possibility of telling what they mean ?
We discussed with Anne and Mathieu about the project moose on the web and
how would we search for an entity in a model by interacting with the moose
server implementing REST API.
- The first API request to the server is allModels and then the server
responds with the list of the moose models (JSON data). Once the user has
got a list of model, how can one choose the model one wants to explore. One
can select a moose model based on: i) its name, ii) its position in the
collection returned by the server (1 for first, 2 for second, etc.) or iii)
its mooseID. The name of a moose model is not unique so it does not help
choosing the correct unique model. For the time, we choose the position in
the collection returned by the server but if we have huge list, the
position is difficult to remember. mooseID does not have semantic meaning.
A meaningful solution would be to make all moose models have a unique name.
What do you think?
- Generalizing the search to all the entities in the model, how do you
select an Entity with its name in the model knowing that the names are not
unique (there can be two "add:" in a model). Scoping information can help
and we have mooseName that concatenates the name with the scoping
information of an entity. So a method named get() in java with class and
package information appended looks like "java.utils::Scanner.get()". Is the
name uniqueness guaranteed with this mechanism?
We had a discussion regarding the interaction with the server, I'll send a
separate mail for it.
Hi Juraj,
I just saw that the zoom-in, zoom-out and export are part of all visualizations in Moose (like blueprint of system complexity). They should not be there. The reason is that these visualizations are meant to be embedded in all sorts of places, and typically the utility actions like zooming and exporting are part of the surrounding browser. The visualizations should display the data and offer data interaction only.
Please remove these.
"Don't give to get. Just give."
Matias has worked on implementing VisualID ( in Roassal.
This is an idea Doru and I have had for a long time.
Where to find it:
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
| view rawView elements |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
elements := ROElement spritesOn: (1 to: 11).
elements do: [:elem|
elem addShape: (ROVisualID new). ].
rawView addAll: elements.
rawView addAll: (ROEdge linesFor: (Array with: elements first ->
elements second with: elements second -> elements fifth with: elements second ->
elements third )).
ROTreeLayout on: elements.
view noLayout.
view open
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 939 by anquetil...(a) FamixEntity annotation not coherent
with FAMIXEntity implementation
FAMIXEntity class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #Entity super: #Object>
i.e. FamixEntity inherits from Object
but FAMIXEntity has for superclass MooseEntity
I guess annotation should be changed
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issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
There is a problem with jenkins infrastructure because of some network
problem. That means we cannot connect to the slaves and launch them. For
testing purposes, I added another slave to Moose jenkins and I think we
should keep it for redundancy purposes. I'll see with Christophe when its
resolved so that the jobs are relaunched.
I think I have just ported all the staff into Roassal. So, I think it is
ready to remove Mondrian. If something is missing, please let me know.
What do you suggest for the next step? Do you want to remove Mondrian from
Moose 4.8?
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Component-Glamour
New issue 870 by tu...(a) ROFocusView focuses on the wrong spot
Open a Roassal Easel and paste this:
| node |
node := view node: #a.
ROFocusView new on: node view: view raw.
The node is selected somewhere at the bottom. The reason is likely to be
that the canvas has a static size, instead of adapting by default to the
size of the surrounding pane