I think your loading script should instead be:
Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'DanielAvivNotario'
project: 'Graph-ET';
package: 'Graph-ET'; load
I was able to use Graph-ET in a Roassal easel. Cool! I think we should _always_ be able to do so.
Here is a script:
view interaction popupView: [ :el :v |
v shape rectangle.
v node: 'node' forIt: [
| diag |
diag := GETVerticalBarDiagram new.
models: ((el methods collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) asSortedCollection);
height: 50;
spacing: 2.
diag generateIn: v raw.
] ].
view shape rectangle size: #numberOfMethods.
view nodes: ROShape withAllSubclasses.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout.
Aqui un screenshot de un popup view:
On Jun 3, 2013, at 11:20 PM, Daniel Aviv Notario <daniel_avivnotario(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Doru!
> I send you this email to inform you of the stage of development in Graph-ET.
> I recently added all the interactions in EyeSee (pop-ups and hightlights) using Roassal's events and interactions. Because of the implementation in Graph-ET, I had to use a wrapper to make the syntax in EyeSee work, I tested them only in the bar chart so far.
> This week I'll work on adding the coloring to the bar charts. And maybe trying to understand and implement a little bit of the Axis and AxisStrategy hierarchy, as they represent most of the classes in EyeSee. Once coloring and axis are implemeted and tested on the bar charts, i'll port the other charts.
> Here's my Gofer to Graph-ET:
> Gofer new
> smalltalkhubUser: ‘DanielAvivNotario’
> project: ‘Graph-ET’
> package: ‘Graph-ET’.
> Remember to upload first the last version of Roassal, as Alex made some changes that affect my code directly.
> Hope you're doing great! Greetings,
> Daniel :-)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Ok, I'm not in a hurry. Please note that your latest version is out of sync
since PetitJava-MartinDias.104, and there are lots of versions to merge
by cbc & ChrisCunningham. Automerge fails.
I'm sorry may be I'm too dull but I did not understand the plan for the GSOC of Matthieu.
Igor told us a while ago that athens offers transformation matrix that could really speed up Roassal.
Now is there a plan to use that in Roassal? If Roassal should stay platform independent then there should be
a solution at its architectural level to have one library for Athens and one for the rest.
In addition I do not understand how Roassal can work fast on amber while using Athens without again using the
athens infrastructure.
So I would like to know.
I am still on holidays, but I could not help to notice that all sorts of
tests are failing :).
Please take a look:
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 907 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: VerveineJ does not export source
anchors for FAMIXAnnotationType and FAMIXAnnotationTypeAttribute
When we have an explicit annotation in the code, we should also get the
source anchor associated with it.
For example, in the below case, SomeAnnotation.java should be associated
with SomeAnnotation:
@Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface SomeAnnotation {...}
The same applies for the contained FAMIXAnnotationTypeAttributes.
While working on PetitDelphi, we noticed significant performance
problems. As PetitDelphi copied the design of PetitJava, we found
the same root cause.
When creating a new java parser, a significant amount of time is spend
on initialization, especially the creation of parsers for keywords, separators and
operators. The introduction of a lexicon cache allows the tests to run
significantly faster. 2230 ms to 224ms the second time.
Yuriy, can you merge?
Hello Jan,
We are really interested about your project on Island Grammar. I know that
Stephane has some money to invite you to present your work and exchange
about that. We would really like to hear and learn from you.
Thanks in advance
*Guillaume Larcheveque*
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 945 by cunningh...(a)gmail.com: Truncating right yAxis labels in
Charts made look fine in the browser, but if you export to PNG (or other
formats), any labels axis values on a right axis will be truncated.
It should instead keep all drawing within the bounds of the canvas being
drawn on - I believe EyeSee is drawing outside of its bounds (allowed in
Pharo, interstingly, so you don't see the effects except when exporting).
to reproduce:
values := #( 1 5 10 40 70 100).
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
(chart verticalBarDiagram)
y: #value;
yAxisLabel: 'Right Label';
preferredAxisMaxY: 111;
models: values;
chart open
then export to PNG (or GIF). Look at that PNG, and you'll see the issue.
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-EyeSee
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