Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 901 by benjamin...(a) ROCachedLabel - improved
performance with large numbers of elements
With large numbers of elements that display strings, Roassal is quite
slow. Tracing this down shows the main culprit is #extentFor:. A proposed
solution ROCachedLabel is provided in attached .st file which returns a
cached extentFor value. This is nilled out when the value of the string
changes. The other variables in ROCachedLabel are also cached, but the
performance gain from these is unclear.
To test the effect of this, try the following script for both ROLabel and
| rawView el count elements |
rawView := ROView new @ RODraggable.
count := 1000.
elements := (1 to: count) collect:
[ :x |
el := (ROElement spriteOn: x) + ROLabel "ROCachedLabel".
el on: ROMouseLeftClick do:
[ :ev |
ev element model: (ev element model + 1).
ev element view signalUpdate .
rawView addAll: elements.
1 to: count do:
[ :x |
rawView add: (ROEdge new from: (elements at: x) to: (elements at: (Random
new nextInt: count - x + 1))) + ROLine.
ROHorizontalTreeLayout on: rawView elements.
rawView open
Also attached is the MessageTally report from which it was determined that
#extentFor was the problem.
Attachments: 1.3 KB
MessageTally-ROLabel.txt 38.8 KB
Some time ago I hit a problem due to GLMAction>>shortcutAsString
sometimes returning nil.
I fixed this by appending --- ifNil: [ '' ] --- to the method, and then
moved on, so sorry I have no record of the context the problem occurred in.
I just noticed this again now clearing out Monticello of changes and
thought I should report it.
cheers -ben
I think it would be good to have a mirror of moose CI so that we have a
replicated service because CI at moosetechnology is currently down and it's
impeding our work.
I can setup a mirror of moose CI in Lille to ensure continuity of the
service. For that I need to know which configuration to load. I have tried
to load development symbolic version and I had a few problems. Core-default
loads fine but I'm not sure that this is the correct version to build a
moose image from pharo 1.4.
Hi, is back online on a stronger server.
I still have problems with getting to work with apache, though.
"What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"
Hi guys,
I modeled a Git repository in Smalltalk. My first class objects are:
- GitterAuthor
- GitterRevision, and
- GitterRepository
I want to have a Moose model (i.e., an extension of FAMIX), so that I can use all the tool suite of Moose.
I have a couple of questions on that since I don't find a good explanation on how to do that. Let me describe what I did.
For each of the classes listed above:
- I create a class side method 'annotation' as follows
GitterRepository class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #GitterRepository super: #Object>
<package: #Gitter>
- For each of the accessor of the instance variables I added the pragmas as follows:
<MSEProperty: #authors type: #GitterAuthor > <multivalued>
<MSEComment: 'Authors appearing as committers in this Repository.'>
The first question is what can be the choice for the type of a property? As far as I understood I can have Number, String, and one of the classes belonging to the model.
But what if an instance variable has type, for example FileSystemGitRepository. Should I put #Object in the type or what else?
- The last thing I did is to create an accept method to add the visitor, as follows
GitterRepository>>accept: aVisitor
aVisitor visitGitterRepository: self.
Then implemented
FAMIXImportingVisitor>>visitGitterRepository: aGitterRepository
self visitEntity: aGitterRepository .
I'm wondering if I did everything needed and how can I test it in a way..
Cheers and thanks in advance,
Roberto Minelli
In a Glamour browser with 3 pane (#master, #slave1, #slave2)
I would like to be able to "send" the selection in #master either to
#slave1 or #slave2
a nice behaviour would be:
- if I select a line into #master, it is transmitted to #slave1
(browser transmit) from: #master; to: #slave1
- but on a context menu in #master, I can tell him to send to #slave2
act: [:each | each selection something-here] entitled: 'Display in
slave 2';
among other things, it means the selection+context menu in #master would
not automatically transmit to #slave1
Another question is what should I put in the act: block to transmit to
#slave2 ?
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)
A while ago we had a discussion between the use of the importer and
extractor terms. In particular, Stef argued that the SmalltalkImporter
should be named SmalltalkExtractor to denote that we talk about source
code. I think it is useful to get a consensus around this topic.
I happen to have implemented recently a half a dozen importers for
various situations, and here is the current status of my understanding
of the meaning of terms:
- importer stands for creating a model out of some source that is
external to Moose. This can be source code in a file, an XML file, an
MSE file, or source code in Smalltalk. It is the importer that
contains the factory logic of creating and ensuring entities. This is
a simple meaning that can be communicated in a simple manner: "we
import the model from something"
- extractor stands for the dedicated logic of traversing the external
source. In most cases, the importer requires one or more extractors as
helpers to do the job. For example, the SmalltalkImporter requires the
SmalltalkMethodVisitor. The MSE importer is special, because it does
not have explicit factory methods, and thus it is one with the
What do you think?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Unexpected, indeed.
But, the cool thing is that Moose popped up in his mind in a seemingly unrelated area. From this point of view, Moose is not just an analysis platform, but it became an example of how "reprogrammability" (which is just another name for reflective environments as I would call it) can become practical.
So, it is as much a positive thing for Moose as it is for Pharo. Did I mention that I think that Pharo can use Moose as a killer app? :)
On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Geert Claes <geert.wl.claes(a)> wrote:
> --
> View this message in context:…
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at
"Don't give to get. Just give."
This is a post in two parts. The first is purely Rossal and the second
is on the Glamour-Roassal integration.
Part One
RODraggableWithVelocity seems to have a problem overshooting the drag
distance with large numbers of elements. For example, referring to the
next script, with RODraggable only, if I drag the view background
sideways by a quarter-window-width, even though it takes a few seconds
to respond to a drag, the final position of the elements is a
quarter-window-width sideways. However with RODraggableWithVelocity,
doing the same action, I observe the elements briefly appear a
quarter-window-width sideways, then another quarter-window-width, then
another until the elements disappear off the side of the window. This
behaviour disappears from this example by reducing to 1000 elements, but
occurs in my application with only 100 elements (plus an equal number of
| rawView domain |
rawView := ROView new @ RODraggable " @ RODraggableWithVelocity " .
domain := 1 to: 10000.
domain do: [ :x | rawView add: (ROElement on: x) + (ROLabel) ].
ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
rawView open
Part Two
Given that the paintingBlock of the GLMRoassalPresentation returned by
is passed a ROMondrianViewBuilder that has already added
RODraggableWithVelocity to the rawView, how do I remove that
RODraggableWithVelocity from the rawView? The '@' method seems to work
differently between ROView (in processing the interaction straight away)
and ROElement (which seems to store the interaction for later processing
so it can be removed more easily).
In addition, could something like a GLMMorphicRoassalRawRenderer be
added to the Glamour-Roassal interface? - which would pass an
unencumbered ROView to the paintingBlock. It is not really a
Glamour-Roassal interface at the moment, more of a Glamour-Mondrian
interface. I hacked up a GLMMorphicRoassalRawRenderer as best I could
as part of my experiment with "Interactive Roassal" but it wasn't very
elegant and I'm not sure it was correct.
cheers -ben