I think I have stumbled upon a problem in Glamour. When selecting an entity
that is in the model but not shown in the Tree presentation, there is a DNU
when setting the selection port to the entity. To reproduce the problem:
- execute the following script in Moose then right click and select "select
in tree" on a number not displayed in the Tree presentation.
The problem might arise due to the fact that all model entities do not have
their morph nodes when using showOnly option. Can you please have a look?
| browser items |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
items := 50.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
(a tree)
title: 'Tree';
showOnly: 30;
display: [:each | 1 to: items];
children: [ :item :x :level | level > 1
ifTrue: [ #() ]
ifFalse: [ 1 to: item ]]].
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a mondrian
title: 'Numbers in Mondrian list';
painting: [:view :number |
view shape rectangle width: 20; text: #printString; withoutBorder.
view interaction
item: 'Select in tree' action: [:each | ((browser paneNamed: #one)
port:#selection) value:each ].
view nodes: (1 to: 40).
view gridLayout.
browser openOn: 1
There is not much point in postponing the release of 4.7. As soon as we solve the squeaksource problem of PharoTaskForces, I will release it.
The next step is to move to Pharo 2.0, move all code to SmalltlakHub, and reorganize the configurations in the process. And, as soon as Pharo 2.0 gets released, I would like to release another Moose version even if it only contains minor changes.
"The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."
I am trying to create a view with a center node and " provider" and "
clients" nodes on either side of the central one. (see attached script)
I would like the provider and client to be each arranged in a radial layout
(see attached figure)
How can this be achieve with Roassal?[image: Inline image 1]
| view |
view := ROView new.
view addAll: ((sourceElements := ROElement spritesOn: (1 to: 4)) do: [:n |
(n @ RODraggable) addShape: ROLabel]).
view addAll: ((targetElements := ROElement spritesOn: (6 to: 10)) do: [:n
| (n @ RODraggable) addShape: ROLabel]).
view add: ((centerElement := ROElement spriteOn: 5) @ RODraggable
addShape: ROLabel).
ROVerticalLineLayout on: sourceElements; on:targetElements.
sourceLayer := ROElement new addAll: sourceElements.
view addAll: (sourceElements collect: [:source | ROEdge arrowedLineFrom:
source to: centerElement ]).
targetLayer := ROElement new addAll: targetElements.
view addAll: (targetElements collect: [:target | ROEdge arrowedLineFrom:
centerElement to: target ]).
(ROHorizontalLineLayout new horizontalGap: 130) applyOn: {sourceLayer.
centerElement. targetLayer}.
view open
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 902 by benjamin...(a)gmail.com: Glamour Inspector > Browse menu
item incorrectly brings up GLMTablePresentation
In the Glamourous Inspector [State] tab you can right-click on an instance
variable to get a [Browse] menu item, but doing that brings up a browser on
GLMTablePresentation rather than the expected class of the instance
This is in Moose 4.7 Beta downloaded 2013-01-03.
ci.moosetechnology.org should now be working again. It uses the latest Jenkins and I hope it is more stable than the previous one.
We have a successful build here:
7 tests are failing, but 5 of them were related to newMorph not being available. I fixed it by partly reverting the change of Ben such that we instantiate the ROMorph explicitly in the renderer (without needing the newMorph method).
"Live like you mean it."
Not sure if this is expected behaviour or not, so thought I would check
prior to logging an issue.
In the Glamourous Inspector [State] tab you can right-click on an
instance variable to get a [Browse] menu item, but doing that brings up
a browser on GLMTablePresentation rather than the expected class of the
instance variable.
cheers -ben
Hi Usman,
The script is not so dramatic. The more critical thing is to have the builder code locally (https://github.com/renggli/builder). But, before going there, I want to look into what Camillo has done to have essentially only Smalltalk code in the scripts.
On Jan 16, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Doru,
> I am in the process of configuring a jenkins job for Moose on the server at INRIA. I was wondering if I could simply import the job that you created on ci.moosetechnology.org instead of constructing a new job from scratch, like that I wont need to understand the intricacies of manipulating one-click images on the jenkins server. Apparently, there is a way to copy/clone jenkins jobs through a config.xml file. So, if you could provide me this file for latest-moose-dev job on the moose ci, I should be able to replicate the job on the INRIA server.
> Otherwise, you can provide me the text for the job and I will try to manually fit in the elements in the server.
> regards,
> Usman
"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."