I know this has been on the wished list of many of you. The following script produces:
| view el1 el2 edge line |
view := ROView new.
el1 := ROElement new.
el1 @RODraggable.
el1 extent: 50@50.
el1 + ROBox blue.
el2 := ROElement new.
el2 @RODraggable.
el2 extent: 50@50.
el2 + ROBox green.
el1 translateTo: 0 @ 100.
edge := ROEdge from: el1 to: el2.
line := ROLine new.
line add: ROArrow new offset: 0.1.
line add: ROArrow new offset: 0.5.
edge + line.
view add: el1; add: el2; add: edge.
view open
I will remove ROArrowedLine very soon then
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm getting this error in my visualizations. Should I open a bug entry?
DNU: ROMondrianViewBuilder >> container...
To reproduce: execute the following code in a freshly downloaded moose
image, trigger the visualization by right-clicking on a number and
selecting the menu item....
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'Select and trigger from menu';
display: [:x | 1 to: x ];
selectionAct: [:list |
| value |
value := list selection * 10. "simulate some custom setup"
(list pane port: #customSelection) value: value ]
entitled: 'Multiply by 10 and then send outside'
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one port: #customSelection; andShow: [ :a |
a roassal
title: 'Numbers in Roassal';
painting: [:view :number |
view shape label.
view nodes: (1 to: number).
view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 5 ].
view treeLayout.
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
browser openOn: 42
I had built a few visualizations in Galmour based on low-level roassal api.
I download a new version of Moose and the now glamour returns an object
of ROMondrianViewBuilder instead of ROView, which breaks my visualizations.
So, does glamour aim to provide a way to work with the low-level api or
should I just create my own extensions to adapt my visualization to the new
Thx, I'll have a look.
On week 24, 2012-06-13, at 4:21 AM, moose-dev-request(a)iam.unibe.ch wrote:
> Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 23:16:29 +0200
> From: Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Moose in VW 7.8 on Mac?
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Message-ID: <A4B82012-5E72-4CB8-9210-FD91B3E96050(a)tudorgirba.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi Ken,
> The most recent instructions can be found here:
> http://www.moosetechnology.org/download/vw
> As you can see, the last time we looked into it, VW was at version 7.7.
> Cheers,
> Doru
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 807 by santiago...(a)gmail.com: Populating menu in Roassal
visualization in Glamour doesn't work
Roassal doesn't populate a menu in Glamour. For example, using the example
of GLMBasicExamples>>roassalPainting I want to add a menu in the view
using 'ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view'. While a small scrolling is
done (to not have the buttons over the nodes) the buttons aren't shown.
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'Select and trigger from menu';
display: [:x | 1 to: x ];
selectionAct: [:list |
| value |
value := list selection * 10. "simulate some custom setup"
(list pane port: #customSelection) value: value ]
entitled: 'Multiply by 10 and then send outside'
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one port: #customSelection; andShow:
[ :a |
a roassal
title: 'Numbers in Roassal';
painting: [:view :number |
view shape label.
view nodes: (1 to: number).
view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 5 ].
view treeLayout.
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
browser openOn: 42
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 785 by fabrizio...(a)gmail.com: inFamix don't export
FAMIXLocalVariable entities exported with inFamix are not associated with
the behavioural entity they are belong to.
Dear Smalltalkers,
As you know ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) is a nonprofit
organization, ran by a bunch of volunteers which aims at promoting
Smalltalk (http://www.esug.org/Promotion). ESUG does have multiple
actions such as sponsoring Smalltalk-related publications (articles
and books), encouraging developers and more specifically young
students to learn Smalltalk (Student Volunteers program) and build
innovative software using Smalltalk (SummerTalk, ESUG Awards, "Support
your project" program, Umbrella for GSoC, ...).
ESUG revenue comes only from sponsoring, donations, and registrations
to the ESUG yearly event (for 20 years!).
Therefore, we invite you to support the ESUG actions by encouraging
your companies and organizations to sponsor ESUG.
As previous years, we have three sponsoring packages
* Silver ESUG Sponsor: By paying € 500 per year, the logo of your
company/association is displayed during the ESUG conference, and you
are also recognized as a sponsor on our ESUG website
http://www.esug.org. You are entitled to mention that you are an ESUG
sponsor, and to use the ESUG logo in that context.
* Gold ESUG Sponsor: By paying € 1000 per year, you get all of the
above, and ESUG correspondence and distributions (CD, Documentation)
will feature your logo. You also get a 10% fee reduction on the ESUG
events for up to 5 people of your organisation.
* Platinum ESUG Sponsor: By Paying € 2000 per year, you get all of the
above, but you get a 20% fee reduction on the ESUG events for up to 10
people of your organisation.
For any further information, you can contact us directly at board(a)esug.org.
Best regards,
Luc Fabresse
On behalf of the ESUG board
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Basically right now I would like to get a visual overview of how things work together, the main subsystems, that sort of thing. I would like something to help me build a conceptual framework of a fairly large client server suite, in order to place the different software pieces in my mind when I come across them.
Perhaps something like this:
would be good to start with, then later maybe this:
I'm not sure what is possible at this point so I'm unsure of what would be most beneficial.
Thx for taking the time to respond,
On 2012-06-12, at 2:47 PM, moose-dev-request(a)iam.unibe.ch wrote:
> Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 22:05:48 +0200
> From: St?phane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Moose in VW 7.8 on Mac?
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Message-ID: <19BD3E4C-12DE-46D8-8023-4F3C8F89B06F(a)inria.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi ken
> it is in the state we left it when we were kind of forced to move away from VW.
> So this is working but this is three years now that we worked on the new one.
> Tell us what you need and we will tell you if we know if this is working.
> Stef
> On Jun 12, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Ken G. Brown wrote:
>> I'm new to the Moose Suite and would like to give it a try in VW 7.8 on Mac, for aiding in exploring an existing quite extensive suite of software.
>> What is the current status of the Moose family on VW 7.8?
>> Could someone please point me in the right direction for an appropriate jump-start in order to get going as quickly as possible?
>> Any tips and recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thx,
>> Ken G. Brown
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> Moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch
>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev
using the example of GLMBasicExamples>>roassalPainting I want to add a menu
in the view using ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view. While a small
scrolling is done (to not have the buttons over the nodes) the buttons
aren't shown. Is this a bug of the Glamour or I'm doing something wrong?
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'Select and trigger from menu';
display: [:x | 1 to: x ];
selectionAct: [:list |
| value |
value := list selection * 10. "simulate some custom setup"
(list pane port: #customSelection) value: value ]
entitled: 'Multiply by 10 and then send outside'
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one port: #customSelection; andShow: [ :a
a roassal
title: 'Numbers in Roassal';
painting: [:view :number |
view shape label.
view nodes: (1 to: number).
view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 5 ].
view treeLayout.
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
browser openOn: 42
Santiago Vidal
I'm new to the Moose Suite and would like to give it a try in VW 7.8 on Mac, for aiding in exploring an existing quite extensive suite of software.
What is the current status of the Moose family on VW 7.8?
Could someone please point me in the right direction for an appropriate jump-start in order to get going as quickly as possible?
Any tips and recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Ken G. Brown