Hi all, I'm using Merlin and need some help, for example in the following
script I want to associate the next button with the 'Option 2' to the
ListPart (in a second pane) and the next button with the 'Option 1' to the
radio button pane group (options 3 and 4, in another second pane). Should I
use branches? and callbacks? May anyone show an example how to do it?
| wizard |
wizard := WizardControl new.
wizard renderer: MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new.
addPane: ( WizardFirstPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option A';
options: { #'Option 1'. #'Option 2' };
defaultValue: nil;
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionSelected );
addPane: ( WizardMiddlePane new
row: ( ListPart new
initialList: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 };
yourself ) );
addPane: ( WizardFirstPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option B';
options: { #'Option 3'. #'Option 4' };
defaultValue: nil;
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionSelected ).
wizard open.
I've been trying to create MSE files of C++ applications with inFamix. When
exploring the created model I can't visualize simple metrics such as
numberOfLinesOfCode. Is there an option to export this metric with inFamix?
Santiago Vidal
mooseFinderMetanoolIn: composite
<moosePresentationOrder: 10>
composite magritte
title: 'Meta editor';
titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseEditor;
display: [:anObject | anObject mooseInterestingEntity ];
act: [:m |
| result annotationDescription |
annotationDescription := MTLAnnotationDescription new.
result := annotationDescription asMorph addButtons addWindow callInWorld.
In Moose 4.7 the previous line open an empty window with save and cancel
in 4.6 it opens a name and list of type.
I checked and annotationDescription instance variables are exactly the same in both version.
Now this is really complex to understand, since I do not know what changed in magritte in addition.
Any idea?
self halt.
(result notNil) ifTrue: [
m entity mooseInterestingEntity mooseDescription attributes add: annotationDescription.
m update ] ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation';
description: [ :anObject |
| description |
description := MAContainer new.
description label: anObject mooseDescription name.
anObject mooseDescription allAttributes do: [ :attribute |
(attribute isKindOf: MTLAnnotationDescription) ifTrue: [
description add: attribute asMagritteDescription ] ].
"anObject mooseDescription asMagritteDescription"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 788 by stephane...(a)gmail.com: Annotation is broken
in the latest version of moose, click on the pen then on + and you cannot
create an annotation.
When creating a new issue in the tracker, the template says...
"Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect, Type-Enhancement, Type-Engineering, Type-Review,
* Component-XXX"
but I can't see where to do that. What am I missing ?
cheers, -ben
Yes there is. If I remember correctly there is a visitor or something like that that generates morphic or seaside.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:19 AM, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any support for using Merlin (a wizard library) with Seaside? (or any other web framework like Aida or Iliad)
> Cheers,
> Hernán
Hi fellows,
I'm starting to use VerveineJ to parse java projects to MSE format. I want
to know if there's a way to set the output path/filename as a parameter of
the execution, instead of the default: "output.mse"
thanks in advance for your answer,
Matías Barahona.