I loaded all my stuff in the latest moose based on 1.4.
All the tests of my PetitPHPParser are red. When I click on one red method
the emergency evaluator pops up.
To reproduce it:
1- grab the latest MooseJee from the ci:
2- load the petit php parser:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'PetitPHPParser';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPetitPHPParser';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPetitPHPParser) perform: #loadDefault.
3- Run the tests of the php parser and click on any red method.
How can I debug the problem? Any suggestions on how to proceed?
I am trying to use Mondrian to visualize SomeContainerClass holding
SomeOtherContainerClass that holds Equipment classes. So I was thinking
each container class might have a method (#subviewOf: aView) which at
some point does (aView forNode: self do:). Now I have come to the
understanding that I am probably misusing #forNode:do: like that, and am
continuing exploring that, but thought I would report the MNU that I
encountered before moving on - just in case it was desirable to guard
against such abuse.
Steps to Reproduce:
The essence of this distills down to the following in Mondrian Easel,
where this first case works....
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view forNode: 2 do: [ view nodes: (50 to: 52) ]
but this second case...
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view forNode: view do: [ view nodes: (50 to: 52) ]
gets MNU "removeAllEdges"
Inserting 'self halt' between the two lines and tracing through to
MONode>>nodeWith:ifAbsent shows the line...
nodeLookedUp := self nodes detect: [:each | each model =
anObject ] ifNone: aBlock.
has in the first case (self nodes) as anOrderedCollection of 20 items
and in the second (self nodes) is an empty Array.
Just reporting for discussion. I am not sure if this would be
considered a bug worth tracking, or just an abuse of the framework.
Cheers, Ben
I have a problem with automoose and jenkins.
I basically use automoose to load some code than at the end of the st file
I do:
Gofer new
renggli: 'hudson';
package: 'HudsonBuildTools';
"Run reports"
report := MyReport on: MooseModel root first.
report open.
REPHudson runOn: report spec.
SmalltalkImage current snapshot: true andQuit: true.
What happen is that jenkins ends with a failure claiming that there are no
test runned but the xml file generated by REPHudson is in the folder
together with the Moose image.
Do I miss something? Shouldn't jenkins report about the Arki report?
Thanks for any help.
Is there a way to load PetitGui with a smaller set of dependecies? Or is Magritte and Grease and etc. needed for the GUI? Loading PetitParser default loads default of Glamour, too. And that's quite a lot.
I'm working on a treemap layout in Mondrian. I created the basic
functionality but am far from finished.
For the current progress see the following screenshots:
http://cl.ly/342z261g021c3X1j3X2b - A visualization of a very simple java
system (https://github.com/mircealungu/SimpleSample)
http://cl.ly/3H3x1K1y3O3j430S0a2z - A visualization of FAMIX itself.
The following is an example of how one sets up the layout:
viewTreemapOn: view
> view nodes: self nodes.
> view edges: self nodes
> from: [ :each | each ]
> toAll: [ :each | each children ].
> view layout: (MOTreeMapLayoutIncubation withWeightBlock: [ :e |
> | model |
> model := e model.
> model isNil ifTrue: [
> 0.
> ]
> ifFalse: [
> e model entity numberOfLinesOfCode.
> ].
> ]).
The tree structure is given by the edges definition. The layout is created
with a weight block (lines of code here, but could be anything).
At the end I'd like to have something like:
http://cl.ly/3v1L3O2a2n1H1C2x3J0V - TreeMap in Softwarenaut in VisualWorks.
This is the first code that I'm writing with Mondrian, so I'm sure it could
be improved in many areas. If anyone sees a problem with how I set up the
layout. please do tell. If anyone wants to look at the code in detail
please take a look at MOTreeMapLayoutIncubation in my
Softwarenaut repository (I'm creating the tree map layout as part of the
Softwarenaut port to Pharo):
> location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Softwarenaut'
> user: ''
> password: ''
The layout is currently in this repo, if it is more mature, it would be
cool to add it to Mondrian itself. I'd like to make it as generic as
Now for some specific questions:
The red colors you see in the screenshots is actually a bug. What I would
like to do is only color the leaf nodes, but somehow (my guess is, it has
something to do with shape caching?), it also colors the containment blocks.
The way I do it is, while ging through the nodes (MONode) to draw them
If it is a leaf
> node shape fillColor: ((Color fromString: '#ff0000') alpha: 0.1).
If it is a containment block:
> node shape fillColor: (Color fromString: '#eeeeee').
But somehow all shapes (except the root node) are colored with the red
translucent color. Does anyone have an idea why this could be the case?
In general: I'm doing the styling of the nodes (also tried to add some
interactivity) directly inside the layout, but I'm not sure if this is the
Mondrian way to do this, since normally shape definitions and interaction
is defined when creating the view. Is this okay? Or should I do this in
another way?
My thought was that I'd like to have a treemap layout with default, nice
looking interactions, colors etc. without having to define them outside,
when defining the view, so it needs as little setup as possible.
Any inputs in general are greatly appreciated.
Dear all,
we already discuss about that in the moose and pharo mailing-list.
Maybe this is too late, but please find a small proposal for gsoc 2012 below.
Name: SciSmalltalk
Level: Intermediate
Possible mentor: Serge Stinckwich
Possible second mentor: ?
Smalltalk has at that time no equivalent to mathematical libraries
like NumPy, SciPy (Python) or SciRuby (Ruby).
The goal of the SciSmalltalk project is to develop an open-source
library of mathematical for the Smalltalk programming language (MIT
Technical Details
The development of this project is to be done in Pharo Smalltalk, but
the code should be portable to other Smalltalk flavors.
Numerous Smalltalk projects provide already some basic functionalities
(complex and quaternions extensions, random number generator, fuzzy
algorithms, LAPACK linear algebra package, Didier Besset's numerical
methods, ...). A first task will be to do an audit of all the existing
projects that provide some mathematical stuff and build a Pharo
Configuration to load them in a fresh Pharo Smalltalk image. After
that, the student help by his/her mentors will decide what are the
numeric algorithms to develop in priority.
The student will need to know some basic numeric algorithms usually
found in such libraries.
Units tests should also be provided.
Benefits to the Student
The student will help the Smalltalk community in a very concrete way.
The student will learn to design well-designed code with tests.
Benefits to the Community
Having a package providing more elaborate numeric libraries is really
important to develop the use Smalltalk in new domains (robotics, high
performance computing, computer vision, bio-computing, ...). The lack
of numeric librairies hamper the use of the Smalltalk in a scientific
context at the moment. An another goal of this project is to develop a
community of people interested by these topic.
Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
I imported a Model generated with InFamix and i tried to navigate the model
with the MooseFinder. Once I click on class the debugger opens with a MNU:
receiver of "classScope" is nil. In fact FAMIXLacalVariable>>belongsTo
returns nil.
Anybody have the same problem?
I was wondering how to open a MooseFinder on an element selected in another
browser. I tried something like this:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
column: #functions;
browser transmit
to: #functions;
andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'Functions';
display: [:each | each ]].
browser transmit
to: #finder;
from: #functions;
andShow: [ :a |
a finder
title: [:each | each mooseName];
^ browser
but I don't know how to proceed (this is why I added the dots).
Any suggestion? Am I doing it the wrong way?
In Mondrian I can drag nodes around the layout to make a more pleasing
graph. Is there a mechanism built in to facilitate saving and later
reloading the layout of a graph ? Or where should I look into to system
to implement this?
-cheers, Ben
I fixed the two Mondrian failing tests.
All these problems stems from the recent changes in the collection hierarchy. Somehow, the order of elements are not preserved. Here is an example:
Consider the script:
view nodes: (1 to: 4).
view edgesFromAssociations: {1 -> 2 . 1 -> 3 . 3 -> 4}.
view treeLayout
It displays this:
or this:
Before the recent collection changes, it was always the same layout, one of the two. So the tests need to be updated...
The build should be green again
On 27 Mar 2012, at 02:17, admin(a)moosetechnology.org wrote:
> See <http://hudson.moosetechnology.org/job/moose-latest-dev/906/>
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu