Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Mondrian Milestone-4.5
New issue 650 by tu...(a) Mondrian multiple selection uses a
broken metaphor
The multiple selection mechanism is confusing because you have to release
the mouse to start selecting. It should be disabled until it works properly.
Cc: tudor.girba
Comment #1 on issue 396 by alexandre.bergel: Mondrian should provide teh
start and end nodes in the edge action
I started to work on this (testHandlerOnEdge). However, I am unsure for few
view interaction on: MOMouseDown do: [ :v | ... ]
What v is supposed to be? The announcement or the value on which one has
It has to be the value I believe. However, it may brake already existing
code. We could leave it like this, and introduce on:withValueDo:
What do you think?
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Mondrian Milestone-4.6
New issue 698 by Mondrian does not properly raise
When in Glamour, often when selecting a Mondrian element does not populate
the selection because the MOCanvas does not raise MOElementSelection.
The reason for this seems to be a race condition due to changes in the
announcement framework. In the new announcement framework from Pharo 1.3,
the order of announcements is not guaranteed.
The issue seems to be due to the logic of the announcement:
(lastEnteredGraphElement isNil not and: [
(lastEnteredGraphElement class ~~ MORoot and: [
lastEnteredGraphElement isNotSelected ])])
ifTrue: [
selectionEvent := MOElementSelection event: anEvent on:
anEvent commandKeyPressed ifTrue: [ selectionEvent setAsMultiple ].
self announce: selectionEvent.
anEvent wasHandled: true.
^ self ].
Sometimes, "lastEnteredGraphElement isNotSelected" returns false because
somehow the element gets selected beforehand. This is most likely related
to the fact that the selection of a node actually happens by handling the
same MOElementSelection announcement:
MOCanvas>>announce: anAnnouncement
anAnnouncement element isNil ifFalse: [
anAnnouncement element announcer announce: anAnnouncement ].
self announcer announce: anAnnouncement.
self interaction on: MOElementSelection
do: [:ann |
ann isUnique
ifTrue: [ self root allSelectedNodes
do: [ :node |
announce: (MOElementDeselection new) ] ].
ann element select.
self updateWindow ].
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 701 by alexandr...(a) Cut and Paste do not update a
Glamour Port
Email snippets:
Regarding copy paste, indeed it seems that pasting a text does not update
the port. Please open a ticket.
I found another strange behavior, likely to be a bug.
| browser |
browser := GLMFinder new.
browser text
act: [:prez :v | prez text inspect ] on: $i entitled: 'Inspect'.
browser openOn: 'hello world'
If you type something and press cmd-i then you open an inspector on what
you have typed.
Now, do a cut and paste in the textpane, and press cmd-i. You have an
inspector on 'hello world', no matter what you have cut&pasted.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 785 by fabrizio...(a) inFamix don't export
FAMIXLocalVariable entities exported with inFamix are not associated with
the behavioural entity they are belong to.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 501 by alexandr...(a) Cache independence
The core of Mondrian is not independent of the cache implementation. The
logic of Mondrian rely on the cache to implement its semantics. This is
obviously wrong.
"Answer the bounds of the receiver."
"the bounds is has an absolute origin"
"Note that the bounds computed above, may have (and it is likely to) a
different origin. The reason is that the layout is in charge to position
the nodes properly"
| basicBounds |
boundsCache ifNotNil: [ ^ boundsCache ].
"We check if the shape if present"
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape ifPresent: [ :b | ^ boundsCache := b ].
basicBounds := self shape computeBoundsFor: self.
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape put: basicBounds.
^ boundsCache := basicBounds
translateAbsoluteCacheBy: aPoint
absoluteBoundsCache ifNil: [ ^ self ].
absoluteBoundsCache := absoluteBoundsCache translateBy: aPoint
Thanks to Santiago Vidal for pointing this out!
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: vhane...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Spy
New issue 503 by alexandr...(a) Abstract classes and Hapao
Gaëtan le Brun suggested to remove abstract classes before running the test
in Hapao.
This makes sense
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Hapao
New issue 601 by alexandr...(a) Covered methods and tests
It would be good to see what are the tests that _indirectly_ tests a
Thanks Laurent & Patrick
I'm looking to improve current implementation, and maybe you can help me.
The current procedure is based in a custom serialization of each
MooseElement. It's inspired on MSE, I describe this with the following
serialize: aMooseElement
(MooseModel meta descriptionOf: aMooseElement class) allAttributes
do: [ :anAttribute |
| values |
values := anAttribute getFrom: aMooseElement.
(self shouldIgnore: anAttribute withAll: values)
ifFalse: [ self serialize: anAttribute withAll: values ] ].
shouldIgnore: anAttribute withAll: values
^ values isEmpty or: [
anAttribute isDerived or: [
anAttribute type == FM3MetaDescription boolean and: [
values size == 1 and: [
values first == false ]]]]
The advantage of serializing the MooseElements in this way (and not just as
a normal object) is to avoid storing unnecessary stuff that aMooseElement
It's a disadvantage using FM3PropertyDescription>>getFrom: (and then to
import, FM3PropertyDescription>>setOn:values:) which ends sending #perform:
of the corresponding accessor selector. It'd be better to use #instVarAt:
(and #instVarAt:put:) as Fuel normally does.
I hope I've been clear enough to explain up to this point. Now my question:
Do you think Fuel can do something on each MooseElement like
- clean up some unnecessary references
- declare some instance variables as transient
- if it's not good idea to modify the elements, create a method like
MooseElement>>copyWithoutDerivedValues, and so actually serialize such copy
instead of the original element
- any other
and thus, serialize the MooseElements as normal Fuel objects, removing the
custom procedure.
I'll be happy to receive some help from Moose and Fame experts!
Thanks in advance.