Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 501 by alexandr...(a) Cache independence
The core of Mondrian is not independent of the cache implementation. The
logic of Mondrian rely on the cache to implement its semantics. This is
obviously wrong.
"Answer the bounds of the receiver."
"the bounds is has an absolute origin"
"Note that the bounds computed above, may have (and it is likely to) a
different origin. The reason is that the layout is in charge to position
the nodes properly"
| basicBounds |
boundsCache ifNotNil: [ ^ boundsCache ].
"We check if the shape if present"
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape ifPresent: [ :b | ^ boundsCache := b ].
basicBounds := self shape computeBoundsFor: self.
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape put: basicBounds.
^ boundsCache := basicBounds
translateAbsoluteCacheBy: aPoint
absoluteBoundsCache ifNil: [ ^ self ].
absoluteBoundsCache := absoluteBoundsCache translateBy: aPoint
Thanks to Santiago Vidal for pointing this out!