The VW5PackageExporter allows the exporting of a package to the VW xml based fileout format.
I've adapted the code to be less Seaside-specific, and am now able to export one package (Parasol-Core).
If I try to export another package (Parasol-Tests), which depends on the earlier one, it fails to load.
It can't resolve the dependency to a superclass defined in Parasol-Core.
I've seen that Roassal puts all Pharo packages into one VW package. That would work, but is not very
nice. A package in VW doesn't seem to register its dependencies in a fileout. Would creating a parcel
help, or should I try something on basis of RPackage?
Hello everyone,
How would you model a script (batch, shell or in the the case I am interested in, a JCL script) in FAMIX?
Does it make sense to use FAMIXModule or should I create a new entity for this purpose?
Thank you
Camille Teruel
I looking for a Java parser to use with Moose. While the MSE file gives me
most of the relevant information,I need to analyze the internals statements
of a method. Anybody is aware of such a parser? Thanks in advance.
Santiago Vidal
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 836 by julioari...(a) Bug in GLMMorphicBrowserRenderer
Hello, in the class GLMMorphicBrowserRenderer I had a out of bound problem
the first time that a model was charged (click on model).
I changed the code of the render method (when activeEntity message on
aBrowser object is sent)as follow:
aBrowser activeEntity: ((aBrowser panes at: (ann pageIndex max: aBrowser
panes size)) port: #entity) value ].
It was ok for me.
So, I suggest this change to the Moose Developers.
Julio Ariel Hurtado
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Mondrian Milestone-4.5
New issue 650 by tu...(a) Mondrian multiple selection uses a
broken metaphor
The multiple selection mechanism is confusing because you have to release
the mouse to start selecting. It should be disabled until it works properly.
Hi all,
Here's a short status update on the port of Softwarenaut to Pharo for those
Here is a screenshot of Softwarenaut visualizing itself:
We see all the classes as nodes, their size corresponds to their weights
(which is LOC in this example). The Treemaps are constructed with the
classes children, which are methods, their weight also based on LOC.
The relationships are the propagated invocations from each class to the
The nodes are manually laid out in the screenshot. One of the next steps
will be to find some clever layouting mechanism for nodes of different
sizes with relationships between them.
Here is another screenshot of FAMIX
Using the same parameters as the visualization used for the Softwarenaut
screenshot but arranged in a circle layout.
If anyone has any question don't hesitate to ask.
What's the pharo image for moose ?
I am having problems with things that work in Pharo, but cannot work in
the moose image.
Mainly these days I am stumbling upon issue with moose lacking
| or byteOr: (which is actually the same thing)
I would like a mysql slow query log parser / analyzer that generates a
graph with most time consuming requests. Someone already done it with Moose
/ Roassal ?
Thanks for addition of the rubberband feature. Having considered the
ROExample some more, I think it would provide a better show by
highlighting the available target nodes, so (to keep the application
code concise) I was thinking of rearranging the API as follows...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement | [targetElement
model first asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)]]];
onDrop: [:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
where I was adding ROView>>allElementsSelect: as...
allElementsSelect: aBlock
| newCollection |
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
self allElementsDo: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue:
[newCollection add: each]].
However I bumped into an issue where (unless you see a more elegant
solution) I feel the right thing might be to rename #allElementsDo: to
#allElementsAndEdgesDo (or #alllAbstractElementsDo:) and create two new
methods #allEdgesDo: and #allElementsDo:
The issue is that I was assuming I would be safe with the code
"sourceElement model first" since I _know_ the model is a string,
however I was surprised that this failed - due to #allElementsDo also
processing edges which had no model. However trying to workaround this
with the following also fails...
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement |
(targetElement isKindOf: ROElement)
and: (targetElement model first
asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)) ]
since the right-side is not bypassed when the left-side evaluates to
#true as per other languages (as well it clutters the application code)
Hence it seems useful for the (targetElement isKindOf: ROElement) to be
pushed upstream. However what would such a method be called?
#allElementsDo: is already taken, unless as mentioned above
#allElementsDo: is renamed to #allAbstactElementsDo: and new
#allEdgesDo: and #allElementsDo: are created.
Actually a new thought just occurs.... since Roassal has two major
components ROEdge and ROElement, and I think it will be _very_ common to
filter between them, having something like #allElementsKindOf:do: (as
well as #allElementsKindOf:select:) might be useful, such that the
application code would be...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsKindOf: ROElement select: [:targetElement
| [targetElement model first asInteger = (sourceElement model first
asInteger + 1)]]];
onDrop: [:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
This could leave the rubberbanding mechanism flexible to later drop
edges onto other edges - which might be randomly useful for something
like the hyperedges discussed recently. Do you have any other ideas on
achieving something similar to the last example?
cheers -ben
P.S. While it is elegant that ROAbstractElement has only one instance
variable 'elements' containing both ROElements and ROEdges, it is a
little unfortunate when considering the term 'elements' in general
discussion and documentation that there is a semantic overlap between
ROAbstactElement and ROElement that may at times be open to confusion.