I am trying to set the background color of the StringMorph that
represents the label & value of the description.
From looking at MADescription>>morphColor
^ self propertyAt: #morphColor ifAbsent: [ self class
defaultMorphColor ]
I thought I might go like "THIS LINE" below...
| container |
container := MAContainer new.
container add: (MAStringDescription new
accessor: #emptyString ;
label: 'Equipment123456789' ;
beReadonly ;
propertyAt: #morphColor put: Color white;
"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<THIS LINE"
"more deleted"
^ container
but "THIS LINE" has no effect. Digging in further, it appears that
MADescriptionMorph>>defaultBackgroundColor is the only sender of
but then there are no senders of #defaultBackgroundColor.
What is the correct way to go about changing the background color of the
description's morph?
cheers -ben
btw, What I am trying to create a separator label between several groups
of descriptions as shown in the attached image.
We have to think about releasing Moose 4.7 and moving to Pharo 2.0.
There are several reasons why the move to 2.0 would make sense:
1. Athens is coming. We have a major interest in this technology and we
need to get on it as soon as possible.
2. The environment moved to RPackage entirely.
3. Pharo needs users.
Before moving to Pharo 2.0, we need to release a robust 4.7. There are
still some open points:
The most pressing ones are:
Issue 799: Editing code in Glamour must be faster
Issue 851: Create a stable version for Moose and all its subparts
Issue 853: ConfigurationOfMoose should be split to reflect core vs suite
Another area to look into is the cleaning of the FAMIX navigation. Right
now it's a mess in there. We should probably remove most of the hardcoded
methods and rely on Chef. Any taker?
My idea is to target a release this year. Input is more than welcome :)
"Every thing has its own flow"
With the recent integration of RORubberBand, I have then gone to use it
in my application. What arises is that while the implementation works
well within a single script in ROExample, it is not so well when the
creation of elements is more spread out in different parts of the code,
since these different parts do not have access to the same instance of
RORubberBand. So some further thoughts on rubberbanding for discussion...
1. Since the rubberband operation is between elements, perhaps this
should not be stored inside individual ROElements but more globally in
ROView. That is, perhaps ROView would have its own interactions.
2. Currently to avoid the MNUs due to the target filter condition
processing edges and elements with nil or unsuitable model, in
(RORubebrBand>>initializeElement:) I used (candidateTarget
getInteraction: self ifPresent:) where it is the 'self' that ensures
that source/target elements being compared are applicable to a
particular RORubberband. It is that 'self' that is hard to distribute
to elements that are created from different parts of the code. Perhaps
this mechanism could be replaced by tagging RORubberBand defined in
different elements with a common symbol eg #rubberband1
Or tag the elements associated with a particular rubberbanding are just
tagged the same as the RORubberBand instance stored in the ROView.
3. Perhaps not bother with trying to ensure no exceptions occur in the
execution of the target filter condition, and just mask them out.
Rather than interrupting the program with a MNU, targets elements are
simply excluded if the filter.
What are your thoughts?
cheers -ben
Does Roassal Easel work?
I antered the following script:
view shape rectangle size: 10 ;
height: [:m | m queryAllIncomingInvocations size].
view nodes: methodGroup.
view flowLayout.
But it does not display anything.
Nor does it give any error message
The same script works fine otherwise
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)tudorgirba.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-4.7
New issue 854 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: Roassal Mondrian builder is not
handling label based on model
ROMondrianBuilder>>label returns the shape, rather than the builder. This
implies that setting properties for a label will always talk to the
element, instead of the model.
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)tudorgirba.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-4.7
New issue 855 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: Roassal Mondrian builder is not
handling color based on the model
Setting the color is directly passed as is to the Shape. The block should
be transformed to work with the model instead.
There were several posts that intrigued me lately related to the
difference between Mondrian and Roassal, and I did not know exactly
why. Now, I think the reason stems from the conceptual difference
between the two. So, here I go :)
- Roassal is a basic engine that provides a DOM-like graph object
model. Its main goal is to enable one to build and manipulate visual
- Mondrian is a high level transformation engine. Its main goal is to
enable one to transform an arbitrary subject model into a graph
Of course, Mondrian had a basic engine, too, inside, but it was not as
flexible as Roassal (especially in the animation part). However, the
main point of Mondrian was really to support the transformation.
It is for this reason that all blocks in the Mondrian API take the
subject model as an input. The target is the developer that knows his
model and almost nothing about Mondrian (except for the simple
transformation predicates). This was a conscious decision, not a
mistake. It is clear that you miss flexibility (e.g., you cannot
manipulate the node within an action block), but you gain simplicity
for basic actions.
Another choice in Mondrian was to focus on the graph model. It is
again clear that this decision excluded some classes of
visualizations, and as a result several visualizations misused the
high-level transformation engine for low level object placing. An
example of this is the DSM. It is precisely in this area (and of
course others that were not charted yet) that Roassal can play a very
important role.
I think both points of view are important, and it would be cool to
look for solutions that marry both (1) the transformation engine level
that speaks mostly the "language" of the original objects, and (2) the
graphical engine that offers basic blocks for visual manipulation.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hi all,
I'd like to read and parse JSON from a URL or alternatively from files.
Could anyone point me in the right direction to achieve this? Is a JSON
Parser available in Pharo or is there a project which provides this