Following on from recent pharo-project 'Roassal Survey' posts which
asked for features for Roassal to be a universal diagram tool, I have
cobbled together a concept demo. I was quite surprised and pleased that
I was able to achieve this over the weekend - which I think is a
testament to the potential power of the clean design that Alexandre has
achieved for Roassal. Glamour also helped ease the way.
Operation is quite basic - only interactively adding nodes and applying
different layouts. Adding edges between nodes is still to go.
Previously Roassal has been used only for scripting, so there are some
bugs in the way I've forced it to operate, but I thought I'd release as
early as possible to garner feedback and interest. Perhaps I get lucky
and a Fuel expert finds this interesting. Help with moving the drawings
to file and back would be appreciated.
The attached package Glamour-Roassal-Interactive-BenComan.3 is based off
Moose 4.7, tested against a fresh copy downloaded 2012-10-03 which
cheers -ben
Hi all,
I wanted to be able to style popups in Roassal e.g. using another
background color or setting a border, etc. So I added a method to ROPopup
to be able to acces the ROBox it uses.
The filed out class can be found here:
@Alexandre: If you like the changes, could you add them to Roassal?
Example usage would be:
*popup := ROPopup text: 'test'.*
*popup textColor: Color black.*
*popup box color: Color white; borderWidth: 1; borderColor: Color lightGray.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.7
New issue 847 by tu...(a) Glamour does not populate the right
value when selecting in EyeSeePresenation
GLMBasicExamples new eyeseeBarDiagram openOn: #(5 2 10 6 12 8).
Hi guys,
I want to dome basic plotting with EyeSee in Pharo 1.4, and try to
imitate the following histogram produced with matplotlib:
which was taken from 94 samples rendered with 20 bins. I've tried this
script including the same models:
| diagram |
diagram := ESDiagramRenderer new.
models: #(740 753 748 744 733 718 730 704 740 709 700 726 753 699 658
752 726 765 755 742 762 745 750 731 741 740 727 711 743 727 757 770 767
759 750 788 774 789 688 719 743 737 728 740 696 732 731 735 720 740 629
572 587 700 636 716 592 716 733 626 737 740 574 594 610 730 641 702 733
738 736 732 745 744 738 739 740 745 695 745 743 730 706 744 742 694 712
715 688 784 721 703 744 592);
property: [:each | each ];
numberOfIntervals: 20;
rotatedLabels: true;
yAxisLabel: 'Count';
xAxisLabel: 'Sequence length (bp)';
addXDecorator: ESValueLabelDecorator new.
^ diagram open
but I'm experimenting some limitations that you may know better:
1) Cannot make both x and y labels to be displayed.
2) In the X axis, matplotlib seems to take only significant interval.
3) Also tried with different decorators (ESValueLabelDecorator,
ESRangeLabelDecorator, ESRegularTickDecorator, etc) but it didn't changed.
Any hints to overcome this?
Best regards,
A couple of days ago you showed how to forward only ROMouseDragging on a
composed element while leaving ROLightlyHighlightable on the inner
elements. I'd like to do the same with menus using ROMenuActivable.
That is, I want to define one menu for an outer element to activate for
all its inner elements. I gave it a naive guess by modifying
ROExample>>composingOn:. below. This works if all are forwarded per
CASE 1, but not per CASE 2. Is there a different class I should be
cheers -ben
counter := 0.
outter := ROElement new + ROBorder white.
outter @ RODraggable @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
inner := ROElement sprite @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
innerLabel := (ROElement labelOn: 'My sprite') @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
outter add: inner; add: innerLabel.
"We layout the things"
ROVerticalLineLayout on: outter elements.
rawView add: outter.
"CASE 1 forwarding all"
inner forward.
innerLabel forward.
"CASE 2 menu forwarding"
"inner forward: ROMouseDragging.
inner forward: ROMenuActivable .
innerLabel forward: ROMouseDragging.
innerLabel forward: ROMenuActivable .
outter @ (ROMenuActivable new
item: 'OuterMenu' action:
:model |
counter := counter + 1.
Transcript crShow: 'Outer ', counter asString .
] ).
inner @ (ROMenuActivable new
item: 'InnerMenu' action:
:model |
counter := counter + 1.
Transcript crShow: 'Inner ', counter asString .
] ).
innerLabel @ (ROMenuActivable new
item: 'InnerLabelMenu' action:
:model |
counter := counter + 1.
Transcript crShow: 'InnerLabel ', counter asString .
] ).
I have a problem with FuelMoose:
- I have an MSE produced by VerveineJ.
- Import it into Moose 4.7
- I export it with FuelMoose
- But, after I import it back I get a DNU from the model. The reason
seems to be that FuelMoose provides a property value (e.g., a method
signature) to the wrong property slot (e.g., the package reference).
- I do not know if it's relevant, but I do this on Windows 7
Originally, I suspected that somehow Fame messes up properties, but I
tried to export and load the same model using the MSE mechanism and
that works properly.
So, I would need help. If someone has time to look into this, I can
provide the model privately.
"Every thing has its own flow"