I've been trying to render a table with the example
ESExamples>>tableExample but it isn't working. Any help?
Santiago Vidal
I'm using cogwin/Croquet VM (last version
http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/VM.r2522/) on windows7,
and today I had this probelm: when the size of the pharo image become so
large the VM crashes with reason 'out of memory'.
The same problem with previous versions of cogwin.
I've only one, but very large, Java model in Moose.
Note that I use a PC with 8G of RAM, so it's really damage to have such a
Any idea about another VM working well on Windows and does not have such an
Any urgent solution?
Unfortunately I've not Mac and the company for which I'am going to
demonstrate Moose, on their code base and Tomorrow morning do not use Mac.
I try to show an eyesee presentation (diagram) within a column of a
gLMTabulator browser. Everything is ok except that if the diagram width is
large (larger than the column) the presentation/column does not show an
horizontal scroll bar! I did not find any mean to make the presentation
showing scroll bars. What is strange (and good) is that I had not this
problem with mondrian presentations.
Any idea to make eyesee presentation showing horizontal scroll bar?
This is the code of the browser (note that I use it to build a
rEPComputedConcern browser):
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser title: 'Customizable EyeSee Chart'.
browser column: #chart1 span: 1; column: [:c | c row: #xGranularity; row:
#chartType; row: #yAxisLeft span: 3; row: #yAxisRight span: 3 ].
"mod := Array with: xGranularityValues with: chartTypeSelectors with:
yAxisSelectors with: self."
browser transmit to: #xGranularity; andShow: [ :a |
a dropDownList
title: 'x axis granularity';
display: [ :mod | mod first ];
selectedIndex: 1].
browser transmit to: #chartType; andShow: [ :a |
a dropDownList
title: 'chart type';
display: [ :mod | mod second ];
selectedIndex: 1].
browser transmit to: #yAxisLeft; andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'y left axis metric';
display: [ :mod | mod third ] ].
browser transmit to: #yAxisRight; andShow: [ :a |
a list
title: 'y right axis metric';
display: [ :mod | #(#none), mod third ] ].
browser transmit
to: #chart1;
from: #xGranularity; from: #chartType; from: #yAxisLeft; from: #yAxisRight;
andShow: [ :a |
a eyesee
diagram: [ :renderer :xGranularity :chartTypeSelector :yAxisLeftSelector
:yAxisRightSelector |
self result fourth
viewEyeSeeChartYAxis: { yAxisLeftSelector. yAxisRightSelector }
xGranularity: xGranularity
chartType: chartTypeSelector
withLabels: false
on: renderer ] ].
browser transmit to: #xGranularity->#selection; fromOutside:
browser transmit to: #chartType->#selection; fromOutside:
browser transmit to: #yAxisLeft->#selection; fromOutside:
browser transmit to: #yAxisRight->#selection; fromOutside:
^ browser
Feb 4-5 2012 Brussels hosts FOSDEM2012,
the free and open software developers european meeting.
Sunday there will be a smalltalk devroom (AW 1.126) with
a number of interesting presentations.
09:30 Norbert Hartl, Take a small REST. Simple approaches for REST in smalltalk
10:00 Stephane Ducasse, Marcus Denker, The next steps for the Pharo Vision
11:00 Laurent Laffont, John Thornton, Amber, the Smalltalk for web developers
12:00 Nick Ager, An introduction to jQuery Mobile
12:30 Stefan Marr, RoarVM, Sly
13:00 David Chisnall, Compiling Smalltalk to fast native Code
13:30 Craig Latta, Spoon
14:00 Stephan Eggermont, Willem van den Ende, Diego Lont, Back to the future, (re)learn smalltalk
(till 16:30).
As there is no devroom on saturday, the VUB has kindly offered to organise
a sprint. There will be a room available at walking distance from FOSDEM.
I've been reading about the yesterday's weather algorithm and I'd like to
use it but I have not been able to find out if it's actually implemented in
Moose or any plugin for it, is it?
Roassal provides a kind of scrolling like in the iphone. With the mouse, you drag&drop the background and it gives a velocity to it and decelerate slowly, as in an iphone.
I found a different way of scrolling in the ZVTM:
Which way do you prefer best?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I have produced Version 1.2 of Soup. Nicolás, a student of the DCC, has written a number of tests.
I also fixed the configuration, it was not well defined (the stable symbolic version did not point to an existing version).
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu