The code below works fine, but I am not sure if it is correct way. Is
there another way to change the width of a GLMTableColumn?
| finder d |
finder := GLMFinder new.
d := finder table display: [ :x | x lines ].
d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'v.'; computation: [ :e |
'999']; width: 30).
d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'aut.'; computation: [ :e |
'anAuthor']; width: 70).
d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'code'; computation: #asString
finder openOn: (Date>>#addMonths:) getSource
Andre Hora
It seems that one needs to follow the instructions given on moose website
to correctly startup moose on Linux/Ubunto.
On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Julia Lawall <julia.lawall(a)lip6.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Jan 2012, Usman Bhatti wrote:
> You can have a look here for instructions for loading Moose in
>> Linux:http://www.**moosetechnology.org/download/**4.6<http://www.moosetechnology.org/download/4.6>
> Thanks. I was just going through pharo.
> I haven't used it on Linux myself; I am sending this mail to moos-dev list
>> and there are people who are successfully using it on Linux. They may be
>> able to suggest a better solution to the problem.
> Thanks! That seems to start up as it should :)
> julia
My name is Cesar Couto and I am working with Nicolas Anquetil at INRIA.
I think this code just works with list, but it does not work mondrian
painting. Look this simple code using mondrian:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one;
andShow: [ :a | a mondrian painting: [ :view :bug | view shape label. view
node: 'one'. view shape rectangle. view node:1 ] ].
browser transmit to: #two;
andShow: [ :a | a mondrian painting: [ :view :bug | view shape label. view
node: 'two'. view shape rectangle. view node:2 ] ].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two port: #selection;
andShow: [ :a |
a mondrian
title: [ :entity | 'one clicked'];
painting: [ :view :class | view shape label. view node: 'one clicked'. view
shape rectangle. view node:3 ]].
browser transmit from: #two; to: #one port: #selection;
andShow: [ :a |
a mondrian
title: [ :entity | 'two clicked'];
painting: [ :view :bug | view shape label. view node: 'two clicked'. view
shape rectangle. view node:4]].
browser openOn: MooseModel root allModels first.
Both of the panes open correctly. But when I click on the entities in one
pane, the other pane turn gray and nothing happens.
What do you think?
Cesar Couto
Mainly to Doru I think, How difficult is to have horizontal Accordion
arrangement in glamour?
I've hacked a bit in adding the commented lines:
GLMMorphicAccordionRenderer>>render: aPresentation
| presentations container expander |
presentations := aPresentation matchingPresentations.
presentations isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ GLMMorphic emptyMorph ].
presentations size = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ self renderWithToolbar:
presentations first ].
container := GLMMorphic containerMorph.
container changeTableLayout.
* "container listDirection: #leftToRight."*
presentations do: [ :each |
expander := self theme
newExpanderIn: container
label: (self titleOrIconOf: each in: container)
forAll: {(self renderWithToolbar: each)}.
* "expander listDirection: #leftToRight."*
container addMorphBack: expander.
(aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation notNil and: [
each title = aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation title ])
ifTrue: [
expander expanded: true]].
(aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation isNil and: [container
submorphs notEmpty]) ifTrue: [
container submorphs first expanded: true].
^ container
But the expanders just look ugly ugly :)
Other IDEs, when you collapse a widget just keep an icon without the label.
Should I open an issue?
Hi Doru!
In the Glamour examples, the accordion arrangement has declared inside of
it two presentations: a list and a text. I want to treat them as single
panes but I don't think glamour as it is allows me :(.
In other words, can I arrange panes as an accordion?
Thank you very much :)
Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 770 by sean.p.d...(a)gmail.com: Updateable GLMBasicExamples
throwing an error
From the example browser (GLMBasicExamples open), when I click on '+' in
either "Updateable browser" or "Updateable individual presentations", I
get "Error: Instances of Pragma are not indexable"
Hi folks,
Happy new year to you all.
I have a question in Glamour:
We want a browser with two panes:
row: [ :row | row column: #classmap; column: #bugmap].
the two panes show two point of view on the same thing.
When we select something in #classmap we want too highlight something related
in #bugmap
browser transmit
from: #classmap;
to: #bugmap;
The reverse is true to:
browser transmit
from: #bugmap;
to: #classmap;
It works somehow: we can open the browser and click on one side (either one)
to update the other side.
The problem is that if we start selecting in one side, then we can only select
on this side, selecting on the other side blanks everything and we need to
restart the whole browser.
- Is this a know issue?
- with a known solution?
- do you need more code?
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod team
INRIA Lille Nord Europe
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 766 by sean.p.d...(a)gmail.com: Book: Use Action list presentation
example from GLMBasicExamples
You could use the example from GLMBasicExamples:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a actionList
act: [:entity | entity inspect ] entitled: 'Inspect';
act: [:entity | entity explore ] entitled: 'Explore'].
^ browser openOn: #(1 2 3)