I would like to use the PetitParser GUI in a Helvetia image. Lukas
told me that possibly I could get a hint how to load PPBrowser into
Helvetia here.
I am full of hope.
Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule
Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft
Köllner Chaussee 11
25337 Elmshorn
Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand)
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns
Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682
Status: Accepted
Owner: damien.c...(a)gmail.com
CC: tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-Glamour
New issue 656 by damien.c...(a)gmail.com: [Glamour] Finder doesn't copy
browsers inside its panes
I would like each finder's pane to be a simple browser instead of just
a presentation. The following does not work and I can't make it work.
When the #selection port is triggered, a new pane is correctly added
to the finder, but all of the finder's panes are updated with the same
content as the new one.
|navigator finder|
navigator := GLMTabulator new.
navigator row: #content.
navigator transmit to: #content; andShow: [:a | a list display:
navigator transmit from: #content; toOutsidePort: #selection.
finder := GLMFinder new.
finder show: [:a | a custom: navigator].
finder openOn: String
Ahh, I thought that the latest version of Keymappings handles shortcuts per morph instance. It looks like it does not, and this is bad news for me :(.
I want to use them in the context of Glamour and for that I need to control the shortcuts of morph instances.
How difficult is it to get it working?
On 12 Jul 2011, at 01:04, Guillermo Polito wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to play with Keymappings, but I got stuck right at the start :).
> I have two problems:
> 1. I would like to add a simple shortcut (e.g., "$o command") to a text morph instance. So I have:
> textMorph := TextMorph new contents: 'abcdefgh'.
> "what is the magic invocation here ?"
> textMorph openInWindow
> The shortcuts are defined via the keymapping pragma. A shortcut is attached by now to a particular class and not just an instance. Look at the examples (the ones defined by Camillo, Laurent or me) and tell me if they are understandable, hehe.
> The question is what should I write in the second line?
> Nothing. Keymappings are "static" right now.
> 2. I would like to disable existing shortcuts from the text morph. How should I do that?
> Look at where the shortcuts are defined for TextMorph and remove the declarations. And you shold also reset the KMRepository.
> But removing keymapping declarations doesn't guarantee the removal in TextMorph since the default -old- shortcut handling is still there. Keymapping is just intercepting them by now.
> Hope this helps,
> Guille
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "What we can governs what we wish."
"Value is always contextual."
I wanted to play with Keymappings, but I got stuck right at the start :).
I have two problems:
1. I would like to add a simple shortcut (e.g., "$o command") to a text morph instance. So I have:
textMorph := TextMorph new contents: 'abcdefgh'.
"what is the magic invocation here ?"
textMorph openInWindow
The question is what should I write in the second line?
2. I would like to disable existing shortcuts from the text morph. How should I do that?
"What we can governs what we wish."
In an effort to debug the problem of Glamour announcements, I created a visualization of the internals of Glamour that can be useful for other purposes as well.
Here is an example:
b := GLMTabulator new.
b column: #paneOne; column: #paneTwo.
b transmit to: #paneOne; andShow:[:a | a list display: [:x | 1 to: x]].
b transmit from: #paneOne; to: #paneTwo; andShow:[:a | a list display: [:x | 1 to: x]].
b openOn: 42.
(b panes first port: #selection) value: #41.
"this should set the browser. to visualize it, run:"
b viewTree.
You can see the result in the attachment.
Most likely, there will be some more things to come in this direction. If you have ideas, I would be happy to hear them.
"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 675 by cy.delau...(a)gmail.com: open moose panel raise an error
in last development version, if you try to open the moose panel you get
MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "entities" is nil