i tried parsing a simple project with VerveineJ with only one class as
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Bla {
public static void main(String[] arg){
List list = new ArrayList();
When i load the mse in Moose, i only have the following model classes:
Object, Bla, String, CharSequence, Serializable, Arrays
However the List related classes (List, ArrayList, Collection,...) seem to
be missing. It's weird, because the class Arrays is in the same jar/package
as List (java.util) but doesn't get parsed. Could this be a problem with
At the end of a wizard, would you replace the 'terminate' button by
something like 'Ok', or any idea you have ?
Stephane got problem with 'terminate' :)
Currently I'm trying to implement a new 'kind' of glamour browser. The idea
would be to just allow the user to specify some panes, then we will display
those panes in a Kind of 'Dashboard'.
For now , it would be basically to put all the panes one under the other
over two columns (plus a scrollbar if the columns size goes out the size of
the browser window).
What I would like to do now, is to give to a pane a more or less important
height size according its morph contents is mor or less big.
After looking a bit, it seems difficult to retrieve information about an
'optimal' extent in which a Morph should be displayed. Sending 'extent' to a
PanelMorph always return 50@40 (whatever what is inside). Someone in the
mailing list told me about a 'minExtent' method, but in my cases, it returns
something even smaller than 'extent'.
As it looks quite difficult to do that from the 'Morph' part, I was
wondering if it could be a good idea to have something in Glamour itself.
Each presentation would have an 'optimal' extent. A browser presentation
would compute it by composing the optimal extents of its children. ?
I found these by browsing twitter...
Combining music and visualization:
Fascinating visualization of a Daft Punk mashup
daftpunk.themaninblue.com/ (23 songs in 6 minutes)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I started to move to Pharo 1.3:
- all builds on the server are now based point to the Pharo 1.3
- the first task was to get Moose to load properly, which now does
- I had to remove Circle class extensions from EyeSee because Circle is no longer in Pharo 1.3 (the implications are unclear)
- there are quite a number of errors, but most of them are in Glamour and are due to changes in Announcement.
I am working on it. I will get back with more details :).
"There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."
Verveinesharp aims to extract program information from C# code and writes
the information into an MSE for analysis of the info in Moose. I have placed
a preliminary version of VerveineSharp on its website.
It exports the following code information to MSE:
- Namespaces
- Classes/Interfaces/Inner Classes
- Class Members
- Invocations/Access/Inheritance/Implements
- Delegates as Inner classes + method attached to delegates...
Also, there is a UI with VerveineSharp that helps visualizing all these
elements in a tree-like structure.
The zip file also contains some tests that can be executed through the bat
VerveineSharp is developed and tested on .Net FW 2.0.
There are some known issues:
1. Any assemblies referenced in a program but not present in the program
folder make VerveineSharp to terminate prematurely. This requires some
reflection to resolve.
2. SourceLanguage is still not set as I am having some trouble in Java libs.
Probably, we can use bug db of Moose for VerveineSharp?
Hi Martin,
It looks like there is a problem with the ConfigurationOfFuelMooseExtension in that the version 1.2 references FuelMooseExtension-MartinDias.10, which does not exist on squeaksource.
It could be that the problem is due to the squeaksource problem. Could you check and possibly republish the version?
"Every successful trip needs a suitable vehicle."
Hi all,
I have been tinkering a bit to try and get a way in which a specific moose version can be loaded from source, based on a) a virgin Pharo image and b) a moose release (one-click) image. The idea is that this could be done for each moose release.
I am stuck, here is what I got so far. Maybe somebody can give me pointers how to continue.
In image a) do the following in a workspace:
packversions := MCPackage allInstances collect: [:pack | pack workingCopy ancestry ancestorString].
Transcript clear.
packversions do: [:pack | Transcript show: pack,' '].
Copy the contents of the Transcript INCLUDING THE LAST SPACE!
In image b) do the following in a workspace, pasting where indicated.
| opstr oldp newp diff|
opstr := ReadStream on: '<PASTE HERE>'.
oldp := OrderedCollection new.
[opstr atEnd] whileFalse: [oldp add: (opstr upTo: Character space)].
newp := MCPackage allInstances collect: [:pack | pack workingCopy ].
diff := newp select: [:cand | (oldp includes: cand ancestry ancestorString) not].
diff inspect.
diff now contains all the packages of b) that are not in a). Now we need to know the order in which they are to be loaded, to avoid dependency issues. I thought that the requiredPackages of each MCPackage would enable me to order, but -o surprise- none of the packages have these set. Sooo ... this info must be in Metacello.
Hence the question: given a specific MCPackage, how can I obtain the list of required packages from Metacello? I dont care if it is slow BTW, building this list will only be done sporadically.
Thanks in advance ...
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl - http://dcc.uchile.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
Together with Santiago and Doru we have been working on a necessary refactoring of the Mondrian rendering engine. This is a prerequisite to make Mondrian generate HTML5.
I would like you to shout if you notice a slowdown with a large visualization (e.g., DSM, PackageBlueprint). I used it with large Hapao visualizations, but I was happy about the result.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu