i have a problem with Moose and Java AnnotationInstances. The problem occurs when using inFusion and also VerveineJ. When I have a class with an instance variable with two Annotations:
private Object foo;
In Moose when I check this Attribute for AttributeInstances in the Moose Panel I only get the second AnnotationInstance (Annotation2).
I can build a small example if needed.
Any idea?
Hi guys
in 1997-98 I wrote several solutions for handling meta data and after we removed them all with the failures of
XMI. So what is now the solution to identifying files we generated
status: private/public
and how do we put it?
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 635 by cy.delau...(a)gmail.com: Strange behavior with announcements
Today I experimented some strange behaviours with announcements that I
didn't have in some previous moose images.
I think that there was some changes related to announcements in pharo
recently, but I could not be sure it is related.
At one point in my code I have:
browser on: AnnouncementClass send: #actionSelector
browser announce: anAnnouncementClass.
I have the feeling that sometimes #actionSelector is executed
asynchronously from the rest the code below 'browser announce: ...' .
Not sure but there is maybe something with exception signals. If any signal
is emited in #actionSelector it will not execute the rest of the method.
I was at leat able to write a test that do not pass in latest dev
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'DelaunayTmpStuffs';
package: 'ExampleAnnouncementProblems';
will not pass with:
will pass with:
2011/5/20 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>
> Hi,
> Please send these discussions on the moose-dev mailing list :). They are
> important for everyone.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 20 May 2011, at 14:17, Santiago Vidal wrote:
> > Great! I was thinking on a visitor too. The visitor should be used to
> collect the data that is displayed in the canvas. On the other hand, all the
> Protovis declaration could be static for each kind of graphic that is
> generated by Mondrian. That is because in Protovis only a "mark" is
> specified for each kind of data. Anyway, I have to take a closer look of it.
> > I would like to know if all the kind of shapes supported by Mondrian are
> those under the MOShape hierarchy. Also, in order to simplify the task, I
> would like to define an scenario of use. For example, the html file is going
> to be generated after a selection of a button called "generate html5". After
> this we may make a generalization.
> > Finally, can you tell me what do you mean by "First, start with a system
> complexity. Then, add labels and popup."? I didn't follow you :( Are they
> Mondrian components?
> > Thanks!
> > Cheers
> > Santiago
> >
> > 2011/5/19 Alexandre Bergel <abergel(a)dcc.uchile.cl>
> > Hi Santiago,
> >
> > Apparently, your refactoring did not cause a significant slowdown. This
> is cool. We will see if people start to complain.
> >
> > I think the next step is to get a hand on ProtoVis. Try to play with it a
> bit to know how it works. You should then be able to produce a visitor that
> generates HTML5/Protovis code.
> >
> > Then, there are two scenarios that we would like you to explore:
> > - producing html files
> > - being behind a seaside server
> >
> > I think that we need to be incremental on the features to covers. First,
> start with a system complexity. Then, add labels and popup. Handling
> interaction will be important. I feel this cannot be effectively done
> without being behind a seaside server.
> >
> > Doru, anything to add?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Alexandre
> > --
> > _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> > Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
> > ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ing. Santiago A. Vidal
> > ISISTAN Research Institute
> > UNICEN University
> > Paraje Arroyo Seco
> > Campus Universitario
> > (B7001BBO) Tandil,
> > Bs. As. - Argentina
> > Phone: 54 2293 439840 Ext. 42
> > Fax: 54 2293 439681
> > Email: svidal(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar
> > http://www.exa.unicen.edu.ar/~svidal
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "One cannot do more than one can do."
Ing. Santiago A. Vidal
ISISTAN Research Institute
UNICEN University
Paraje Arroyo Seco
Campus Universitario
(B7001BBO) Tandil,
Bs. As. - Argentina
Phone: 54 2293 439840 Ext. 42
Fax: 54 2293 439681
Email: svidal(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar
I am sending you MSE file generated with Verveinesharp. The mse file is for
a program Gendarme <http://www.mono-project.com/Gendarme>, a C#
rule-checking framework.
Please have a look at the file to see if there is any problem in
Also, I am attaching a snapshot of VerveineSharp.
How can I set the bar color with eyesee?
The script:
| diag factory |
factory := ESDummyFactory new.
factory yValues: numberOfExecutionsTable values.
diag := ESDiagramRenderer new.
(diag verticalBarDiagram)
y: #yValue;
width: 300;
height: 200;
defaultColor: Color lightBlue;
models: factory buildDummies. "or setInvertedLinearFill"
Gives me
How can I turn it into light blue?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu