---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>
Date: 2011/5/18
Subject: Re: Mondrian
To: Santiago Vidal <santiago.a.vidal(a)gmail.com>
Cc: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>, Claudia Marcos <
Please let's move this discussion to the moose-dev mailing list. It would be
a good documentation of Mondrian.
You can register here:
and send the mail here:
On 18 May 2011, at 14:55, Santiago Vidal wrote:
> Hi,
> I indented the methods and removed the 'MO' class prefix from each visit
> I'm not sure about the best way to avoid the creation of a new visitor
each time a shape is displayed. Should I save a visitor for each
MOGraphElement? The canvas changes each time that a shape is displayed? Can
you please tell me what is the cache that I have to moved to the visitor?
> On another topic with Claudia we are advising the final work of two
student in which we are going to use Moose. Specifically, we will use Moose
to compare different versions of an open source system with the goal of
identify differences in its modules. I would like to use Moose in my phd
thesis too, so this a first approach.
> Cheers
> Santiago
> 2011/5/17 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>
> Thanks. It works now:
> http://ci.moosetechnology.org/job/mondrian-latest-dev-on-pharo-1.2/213/
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 17 May 2011, at 22:32, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> > Can you please lunch the build ?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Alexandre
> >
> >
> > On 17 May 2011, at 16:03, Tudor Girba wrote:
> >
> >> Hi again,
> >>
> >> The build based on the 'default' configuration still says that
something is missing:
> >> http://ci.moosetechnology.org/job/mondrian-latest-dev-on-pharo-1.2/
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Doru
> >>
> >>
> >> On 17 May 2011, at 21:43, Tudor Girba wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 17 May 2011, at 21:37, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Santiago,
> >>>>
> >>>> I updated the configuration. Your new package is now in.
> >>>> The Jenkins should stop complaining by now :-)
> >>>
> >>> I started a build of Mondrian to check.
> >>>
> >>>> Each time a node is displayed, a new visitor is created. I do not
think this is necessary.
> >>>
> >>> This is actually not wanted at all because the renderer might have
some state later one.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Doru
> >>>
> >>>> Would you mind to indent the code with a tabulation at each line? For
> >>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >>>> acceptVisitor: aVisitor
> >>>> ^aVisitor visitMODashedLineShape: self.
> >>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >>>>
> >>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >>>> acceptVisitor: aVisitor
> >>>> ^ aVisitor visitMODashedLineShape: self.
> >>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >>>>
> >>>> Can you remove the 'MO' class prefix from each visit method? (e.g.,
visitMODashedLineShape: -> visitDashedLineShape:)
> >>>> I will do some benchmark to see if we are slower, but we should not
be actually.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers,
> >>>> Alexandre
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
Ing. Santiago A. Vidal
ISISTAN Research Institute
UNICEN University
Paraje Arroyo Seco
Campus Universitario
(B7001BBO) Tandil,
Bs. As. - Argentina
Phone: 54 2293 439840 Ext. 42
Fax: 54 2293 439681
Email: svidal(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-VerveineJ
New issue 629 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: VerveineJ should not export
implicit variables without parentBehaviouralEntity
Some implicit variables are exported without a parentBehaviouralEntity.
To reproduce it:
- download ArgoUML 0.28.1:
- there are several instances (about 5-6 out of 2000+) of implicit
variables without parrentBehaviouralEntity
It looks like Mondrian still has a red test.
On 17 May 2011, at 23:27, admin(a)moosetechnology.org wrote:
> See <http://hudson.moosetechnology.org/job/moose-latest-dev/380/>
"We can create beautiful models in a vacuum.
But, to get them effective we have to deal with the inconvenience of reality."
I am trying to set the sourcelanguage object of the FamixRepository. So, I
create my own subclass of the Famix.SourceLanguage, on the lines of java as
class CSharpSourceLanguage : SourceLanguage
//couldn't find anymore info to set for the class in VerveineJ
And I add it to the famixrepository. This how it appears in the mse file:
(FAMIX.SourceLanguage (id: 30))
However, moose does only provide information that its a SourceLanguage
object, but does know which source language was used.
My questions are:
1. What are the parameters of the SourceLanguage that we should set. I do
not see any setName() method?
2. What information does Moose require when parsing Famix.SourceLanguage
thanx in advance,
We are happy to announce the Moose Suite version 4.4:
What is new:
• New EyeSee engine for scripting visual charts
• New Kumpel importer for SVN repositories
• New Metanool engine for supporting dynamic annotations of models
• Simplified look and feel
• Improved VerveineJ compatibility for Java parsing
• Improved FAMIX support for Java systems
• Improved support for complex shapes in Mondrian
• Improved RPackage engine support for the Smalltalk importer
A list of issues addressed in this release can be found at:
Have fun,
The Moose Team
I lost track of what happened with RPackage. Cyrille, Stef, could you summarize the status?
I see that the tests are working on 1.2 (except for the expected failing ones). Is it good enough to rely on it for the release? If yes, we release tomorrow.
"From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar."
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: cy.delau...(a)gmail.com, stephane...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-SmalltalkImporter
New issue 617 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: RPackage has a self halt
there is a self halt in CompiledMethod>>packageFromOrganizer:
According to the flag, this self halt should not be reached. However, try
loading the following code after RPackage is loaded and you will see that
the self halt is reached.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'bifrost';
package: 'ConfigurationOfBifrost';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfBifrost)
perform: #loadDefault.
You can try to execute the above code in the latest moose-dev which already
has the latest 3.0: