Hi all,
I am using Merlin in AspectMaps for the import wizard, but some changes have been made since end of Jan that break the wizard and I think I found 2 bugs when trying to fix them. (Hudson daily build of 29 mar).
first: (ChooseFilePart new) validExtensions: #(txt) does not work as before, where it only showed files with the corresponding extension
second: the layout of multicheckboxes is not correct, try the multiCheckBoxesPart example in MerlinExamples to see
Lastly, what breaks my wizard is that I use checkboxes with a callback. This seems to be deprecated to multicheckboxes, but the example multiCheckBoxesPartWithCallback in MerlinExamples is all commented out. Does this work? If not, how do I migrate my checkboxes code?
Thanks in advance!
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl - http://dcc.uchile.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
I have a browser. I initialize it with a presentation inside (which is
concretly another browser). What I would like to do is:
When selecting some specific value from the presentation, reinitialized the
browser with a new presentations (and remove the old one).
Is this possible ? How can I do that ?
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 556 by vhane...(a)gmail.com: ManifestMfBundle not completed
initialized upon instantiation
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
The following expression raises an error, whereas it should not:
ManifestMfBundle new printString
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 557 by vhane...(a)gmail.com: FAMIXComment wrongly initialized
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
"FAMIXComment new printString" raise an error. It is wrongly initialized
I turned one yellow test into green.
There are still 2 red and 1 yellow that I do not know why they are failing.
This stem from evaluating the following expression. They raise an error:
MooseModel famixCoreMetamodel.
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
model := MooseModel new.
MooseModel export: model to: stream filtredBy: ImportingContext new
Are these methods really used? Shall we remove them?
On 26 Mar 2011, at 17:18, admin(a)moosetechnology.org wrote:
> See <http://hudson.moosetechnology.org/job/moose-latest-dev/254/>
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
In case your are curious with what we are doing
BigPicture.png is before we started our coverage effort. BigPictureAfter.png is after.
Comments are welcomed.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Please make sure to update Moose packages because I performed quite a bit of renaming by adding some Moose prefixes to classes.
"Problem solving should be focused on describing
the problem in a way that makes the solution obvious."
Hi Guys,
I continued to test Moose-Core.
Unfortunately, some of the tests I defined are wrongly located. For example, the class MooseModel is extended by the package Moose-Finder. I defined tests for those methods in the class MooseModelTest under a method category *moose-finder.
This means that the package Moose-Finder defines some tests now. It was easier and quicker for me to do so.
This is not good, and I am aware of it. I will fix the situation maybe this evening. I am a running an experiment and I do not want to have to explain the notion of class extension. I just need a beautiful screenshot with all covered methods.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Can this method be deleted?
It has no sender and only one implementer
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu