I recently remembered that Basil, the library for flash export built by Lucas , was ported by Lucas Streit in Squeak.
I just gave it a try and there is only one test that fails. Also, the examples from Basil-Applications seem to work as well.
In VW, we had a binding for Mondrian:
If you want to give it a try, you can find it at:
Gofer it
renggli: 'unsorted';
package: 'Basil';
"What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: cy.delau...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High
New issue 561 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Bug with Merlin
When I use the wizard of Hapao, I get an error. You can reproduce the
problem by doiting and pressing next:
| v control firstPane packagesList part1 lastPane part2 |
control := WizardControl new.
firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
control addPane: firstPane.
control addPane: lastPane.
part1 := TextPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Hapao: select the packages to analyze'.
packagesList := PackageOrganizer default packageNames asSortedCollection:
[ :a :b | a < b ].
part2 := MultiSelectionListSelectorWithSmalltalkExpression on:
addPart: part1
associatedTo: #packagesSelected.
addPart: part2
associatedTo: #packagesSelected.
control open
Unfortunately, I am not able to write a test for this since the window is
moosetechnology.org would benefit from more community effort :).
For example, up to now, I (and sometimes Simon) was basically the only one updating the news content.
Anyone interested in participating?
"Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."
Hi all,
I am reproducing some experiments I did time ago,
and I am again using Hapax (latest version for VW).
FYI, I just noticed that there could be an issue in how the
weighting in the TermDocumentMatrix is evaluated.
I attach the method here for convenience:
| newMatrix |
newMatrix := SparseRowMatrix new: matrix dimension.
matrix rows with: newMatrix rows do: [ :row :newRow |
| globalWeight |
globalWeight := globalWeighting forTerm: row.
row doSparseWithIndex: [ :each :index |
newRow at: index put: (localWeighting
forValue: each) * globalWeight ]].
matrix := newMatrix.
this method should apply the tf-idf weighting [1] to the matrix.
This weighting is composed of two parts:
a global weighting (i.e., idf: the more a term is common, the less its weight)
a local weighting (i.e., tf: each term is normalized on the number of
terms appearing).
The global weighting is correctly done in the line:
globalWeight := globalWeighting forTerm: row.
while the local weighting is NOT correctly done in the line:
newRow at: index put: (localWeighting forValue: each) * globalWeight
in fact, the "localWeighting forValue: each" will always return "each" back.
This means that it simply does not apply any local weighting.
Right now I am working on fixing this issue.
Please let me know if I am wrong, or if you have an elegant solution :)
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf
When I want to open a magritte presentation, glamour always open it in a
very small size (in a 'scrollPane'), without filling the whole space of the
Does anyOne know what could be the problem or what could I do to solve that?
I played a bit last night and built this visualization showing how we collaborated on papers around Moose (the info came out of Citezen):
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
Hello everyone,
We now have more than 200 Moose-related publications with new publications coming at a rate of 25-30 publications per year. That is simply great!
It is a real privilege to be part of this.
p.s. Please take a look at the publications. If you feel that some are added without merit, or some are missing, please let me know and I will correct the situation. You can use the search facility (make sure you use moose-pub as one of the keywords):
"Don't give to get. Just give."
Hi all,
I have known and used moose for some years but now I am stepping into
developing tools with it. So, I had a small experience with the changes in
the model. We developed some code to calculate package metrics and the next
week the code doesn't work. After spending a few hours on debugging and a
helping hand from Jannik, I could resove the problem that came from the
change in parentType. Although the problem was small, it took a newbie like
quite some time to resolve. I knew all the methods regarding metrics
calculation but when it came to meta-model I wasn't too sure what was going
Moreover, soon I am going to start work on Csharp MSE extractor. So, once we
have the mse extractors for different langs, any changes to meta-model would
require some work to align these extractors.
So, my suggestion is that any changes to the FAMIX meta-model should be
considered major because they require quite a bit of effort behind the scene
to align the tools using it.
It looks like we finally managed to get Glamour to unregister properly from model announcements (thanks to Henrik and Esteban).
It would be nice to have more tests around this. Jorge started to use his nice meta-engine to provide some fine grained instrumentation so that we can test this in a different way.
In the meantime, let us know if you still have problems with garbage collecting a model (MooseModel or otherwise) after opening a Glamour browser.
This is a critical point in getting Glamour to be used on a larger scale. It would be so great if this would actually work properly :)
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."