Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Fame Milestone-4.3
New issue 508 by Fix the random Fame tests
These tests randomly crash:
I have no idea why, but on the other hand it seems that they do not test
something that we really use.
Status: New
Owner: andreho...(a)
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 495 by andreho...(a) Parametrized Types - Generics
Use Parametrized Types (i.e., a parameterTypes property in FAMIXClass) in
Moose to deal with (Java) code like this: ClassFoo<A,B,C>, where A, B and C
are parameters of ClassFoo.
VerveineJ must export this property in its .mse files.
Hi Alex
I would be interested to see what we can learn from test coverage in MooseChef with Hapao.
Another cool project would be to build a dependency analysis tool on top of Spy, which would take care of dynamic dependencies (especially invocations, perhaps also types). My guess is that it would be pretty easy to push MooseChef on top of that (write some primitive queries) and even perhaps build mixed tool for analysis of static vs dynamic dependencies.
Simon Denier
While brainstorming the project Moose-on-the-Web (providing a moose
interface on the web), we thought about putting a few basic/common
visualization queries on the web. These queries will allow users to have an
understanding of their system without trying different combinations of
elements (packages, class, methods, etc.) and different combinations of
visualizations (UML diagram, class blue-print, etc.). So, we thought to take
a feedback from the people on this list regarding the common visualizations
they find useful for a potential user of the system.
Can you please provide a list of three visualizations that you think can be
useful for a user for his/her system?
Post-Doc at RMoD Team
Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.3
New issue 502 by Glamour rendering should offer
closable tabs
Currently, the rendering does not allow us to close tabs. This should be
enabled for Accumulator.
Comment #9 on issue 16 by cy.delaunay: implicit importer is wrong: an
implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class
after looking a bit more, I think we will have to change also the code
about Invocations, which expect the parent of an ImplicitVariable to be a
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 493 by jfa...(a) ConfiguTation browser menu entry raises
In the Hudson nightly build of 15 jan.
MooseDevBrowser class>>menuCommandOn: aBuilder
(aBuilder item: #'MooseConfigutationBrowser')
order: 6;
parent: #Moose;
label: 'Moose Configutation Browser';
action:[MooseDevBrowser open]
Not only ConfiguTation -> ConfiguRation :-), but it also raises a MNU:
reciever of "Project" is nil. Cause: "list selection" is nil in the
following part of [MooseDevBrowser>>open]
Smalltalk at: #OBCmdMetacello ifPresent: [ :x |
projectList dynamicActions: [:list |
(GLMOBCommandAdaptor new
actionsFrom: (Smalltalk at: #OBCmdMetacello) subclasses
on: list selection project configuration class
for: nil ) do: [:each | each category: 'OB Commands'] ] ]