i just notice that the UML Class shape is broken, going back in the history seems that the problem has been introduced from the relative coordinates.
This screen shot is from the commit Mondrian-tg.540
This from the commit Mondrian-Alexandre_Bergel.540
Than staring from the commit Mondrian-AlexandreBergel.545 the class name disappear i think covered by the rectangle containing the methods name that is bigger than before.
The problem is in the method MOShapeSelector>>umlClass that has not been updated considering the last changes or in the changes themselves?
Hi. I am using Distribution Maps where I analyze an snapshot, a particular
moment of my image state. I would like to be able to compare it with another
For example, I analyze packages and see which classes have instances for
evaluating something. Something like this:
^ (self onContainers: (self listOfCorePackagesNames
collect: [ :each | (PackageInfo named: each) ]) elements: #classes
properties: [:element | element hasUsedInstances ] )
Then, I do something different (suppose I start a seaside app) and I would
like to see the difference between both distribution maps. To easily compare
and know which "new" classes where used by running seaside that were not
used in the first scenario.
Maybe just a simple solution is to take both DM and to make a 3th with
them: check each element...if in both it is the same...them I paint with a
particular color. If they are different, each one keeps its original color.
What do you think? is it doable? is there someting done about this?