I am extending the FAMIX 2.0 to support the C # language (now in 80%) and
would like to know if there is any API to insert data in the database or
something being developed.
Best regards,
Francisco Rodrigues
I lost some hours this morning because of this.
When I loaded mouse I got bug in the blinking cursor code.
After investigation I think that I found the problem:
mondrian loads an old version of morphic.
It is really interesting to see that we need different loading
first Alex could you republish a new version of morphic for mondrian?
then Gofer should offer a merge possibility
Hola todos,
There is a bit of confusion regarding visibility of structural
entities (at least for me). In some places, we say that a public
entity has a 'public' modifier, and in some other places, we say it is
accessed outside the package/module in which it is defined. I propose
to clear these things up.
In FAMIXNamedEntity, these methods checks for the presence of a
modifier in the method signature, as in:
<MSEProperty: #isPublic type: #Boolean>
^ self modifiers includes: #isPublic
In FAMIXFunction, there is:
"checker whether I am called outside the module in which I am defined"
^ self receivingInvocations anySatisfy: [:inv |
inv sender parentScope ~~ self parentScope]
I was wondering whether FAMIXNamedEntity>>isPublic and friends cannot
be renamed as #hasPublicModifier ?
In that case, #isPublic and friends will be based upon client accesses.
Alexandre Bergel
Dear List,
Anyone already though about a support in MoosePanel for history?
We could have button that adds a new ModelHistory to the list of
models, and doing a right-click on a MooseModel will enables to do a
addLastVersionForMooseModel: on one of the histories.
Any other item on the wish-list for history support?
Alexandre Bergel
I have the impression that Moose introduce a bug in textMorphEditor
Once I load moose I do not have anymore onBlinkCursor in the image.
The semantics of loading should be clear
for moose we should load (erase what was there)
and for component we extend we should have merge (to avoid rollback
to older versions).
Dear List,
I made some improvement on MoosePanel. Instead of having a list of
buttons, here is now a menu listing the import commands. We can now
have more than 4 import commands without seeing buttons overlapping
each other :-)
Apparently, we need an event mechanism for moose model addition and
removal. For example, I added the method:
<menuItem: 'Delete' category: 'Utilities'>
| wantsToDelete |
wantsToDelete := UIManager default confirm: 'Are you sure to want to
delete ', self mooseName printString, '?'.
wantsToDelete ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
MooseModel root remove: self
Now the question is how to refresh the list of models in the
MoosePanel when one deletes a model? I will add an announcement
Alexandre Bergel
Dear All,
MooseFinder does not list properties for a selected item. The entity
tab could shows this. In that case, multiple selection should probably
be handled in a different way.
Alexandre Bergel
When I select an element on the left hand side panel, the right hand
side automatically switches to MooseGroup. Is there a way to keep the
right panel to the selected tab?
Alexandre Bergel