Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Wir möchten Sie und Mitglieder von ICT Vereinen zu dem Vortrag von Prof. Donald E. Knuth
einladen, einem der bekanntesten lebenden Computerpioniere der Welt. Wäre es Ihnen
möglich, die untenstehende Einladung (evtl zusammen mit dem Flyer im Anhang) bitte an
allenfalls interessierte Personen in Ihrem Verein weiterzuleiten oder via
Vereins-Veranstaltungskalender publik zu machen?
Das Publikum wird gebeten, im Vorfeld Fragen an Prof. Knuth einzusenden (siehe
Mit besten Grüssen
Irena Kulka
ETH Zürich
Departement Informatik
Talk by Prof. Dr. Donald E. Knuth: "All Questions Answered" - SOI-Day 14.
January 2012, ETH Audimax
We would like to announce a talk of Prof. Dr. Donald E. Knuth, winner of the Turing
Prof. Knuth will visit ETH as guest of honor of the SOI-Day, the annual ceremony of the
Swiss Olympiad in Informatics.
His talk "All Questions Answered" will be a discussion based on questions from
the audience.
Please think of interesting questions to Prof. Knuth and send us your questions in advance
For optimal planning, we kindly ask you to register on
TITLE: "All Questions Answered"
SPEAKER: Prof. Dr. Donald E. Knuth, Stanford University
DATE: Saturday, 14. January 2012
TIME: 13:40 - 15:00
LOCATION: HG F 30 Audimax, Rämistrasse 101
Details and the SOI-Day program can be found in the attached invitation.
best regards
Prof. Juraj Hromkovic
on behalf of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics
Professor Knuth is one of the world's most renowned computer scientists. In the late
1960‘s he established the theoretical analysis of algorithms and contributed substantially
to the development of rigorous analysis methods, like asymptotic complexity. After his
Ph.D. in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology he became professor at
Stanford University. Furthermore he is the inventor of the TeX typeset system and the
author of his world-famous book series „The Art of Computer Programming“. In the year 1974
professor Knuth recieved the Turing Award.
The association Swiss Olympiad in Informatics realizes an annual contest in order to find
and challenge the most talented young computer scientists in Switzerland. In several
qualification rounds and preparation camps the teenager can learn from the experiences of
previous Olympians and get the required skills in order to compete successfully in
international contests. The four best Swiss programmers represent Switzerland at the
International Olympiad in Informatics. At the SOI-Day the best contestants of the first
round will be awarded.